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Vance Hall
Vance Hall
Eminent Member
Joined: 2007-09-01 18:07
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Views: 2
Call Sign

Call Sign CRS disease was cured by the 1st ANGLICO Reunion in June. My call sign during this incident was "Nightcover One Four Bravo", the call ...

17 years ago
Our incident not the same

Our incident not the same bmheth;21523 wrote: It did not go very far before I saw more dust from the rotor wash appear and of which time the heli...

17 years ago
Thank you Basil,

Thank you Basil, This incident is one of several that has been on my mind for 40 years. Whether or not you were on that mission, I thank you for...

17 years ago
Update -

Update - 1st ANGLICO Marine Tom Petri is now writing a book on our Sub Unit One. Few Marines even know who ANGLICO was, but those of you who fle...

17 years ago
2nd ROK Marine Brigade

2nd ROK Marine Brigade GEORGE CURTIS;12582 wrote: BLUE DRAGON BRIGADE Quang Nam Province, I Corps, South Vietnam Location, Hoi An "'Chest...

17 years ago
Great history site!

Great history site! Thank you for the history website. Everyone has their own personal experience and I have a very limited perspective due to m...

17 years ago
Rumor or problem ?

Rumor or problem ? I am not disabled. However, I have been receiving some emails that suggest that there is an effort to draft legislation that ...

17 years ago
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