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Joined: 2009-01-11 11:54
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Re: HMR/HMM/VMM-161 60th Anniversary

Re: HMR/HMM/VMM-161 60th Anniversary Sure wish I was in the area to attend. I was in the squadron for 5 years back in the 1980's when we had rec...

14 years ago
Anyone Recognize this Site ??

I recognize it. They are walking past the H&HS Tustin Base Operations/ATC building. Just to their left would be hangar 1 where the filming is taking...

14 years ago
MCAS(H) Tustin

Oh my - ....I remember all the good years I spent there with many of the 46 's and H&HS.. Well, better to be over the hill than under it!

15 years ago
J.w. Pinson

Possible Info ?? There was a 46 driver @ El toro 4th MAW Ops O By the name of LtCol Ray Pinson who retired in Orange county in the mid 1980...

15 years ago
HMM-161 final deployment

Boy, now that will be a transition... It seemed not so long ago when I was a member of the squadron, we were receiving the 100,000 flight hour acciden...

16 years ago
MCAF Santa Ana/Tustin - The end of an era.

OMG, what pictures and memories. I can hardly believe it. I spent many years stationed on Tustin both with H&HS station Operations and with ...

16 years ago
MCAF Santa Ana/Tustin - The end of an era.

OMG, what pictures and memories. I can hardly believe it. I spent many years stationed on Tustin both with H&HS station Operations and with ...

16 years ago
squadron group picture

I spent about 5 years 1981 - 1986 with HMM 161 back in MCAS Tustin - I might even have a squadron photo of it when they were awarded I think for hi...

16 years ago
hmm165 uss okinawa 1977

I was in 165 from 75 - 76.......LPH Oki/Tripoli/New Orleans

16 years ago
Looking for LtCol James A.McGinn from HMM-165 in Subic Bay

LtCol McGinn reenlisted me in the RR of the LPH New Orleans circa 1975-1976. I remember when he missed the ship pulling out from the dock in Sub...

16 years ago
HMM-165 in 1976

LtCol Big Jim McGinn has " Returned to base " a few years ago. Cancer If I remember correctly. I remember steaming away from PI when he mis...

16 years ago