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Joined: 2001-08-25 01:35
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USMC/ Combat Helicopter Association

Well put MGySgt Curtis, the FNG's Combat Air Crews desire our respect and welcome. They are flying in harms way to keep a world free to say what we wa...

21 years ago
A American Hero

A American Hero Mike is needed for a higher calling, Crewing for the greatest CnC of all. You are and will forever be missed. I meet Mike once in...

21 years ago
In 1966 and '67 she was a flight attendant

Helen Thank You for careing. Bet if you show up in Reno you will get more thanks and some old chatty guys.

21 years ago
The Man in the Doorway

I agree with all others outstanding tribute. May we never forget the sound. friends,and BROTHERS from a litttle dirty place and era most of us neve...

21 years ago
Concurrent Disabilty

I am sure all you retired folks this, but anyways. You can access your retired pay account and contact them online at www.dfas.mil get a temp PIN ...

21 years ago
40th Anniversary of the Phrog

BZ, maybe Boeing thinks it will helptheir v22 sales with BHC. A;sp anyone out there woho would like a license plate frame made with PHROGS Forever...

21 years ago
Rotor Blades

Your question has many different answers depending on the type of Helo. Every helo has it's own reles for such indicents. The 46 could take bit of b...

21 years ago
Foort Worth Re-union

Sorry I missed it also Maybe closed to here next time. I just got a license plate frame from www.usaircpmbat.com with HMM-165 White Knights on top ...

21 years ago
Miramar Crash (Zeisler, Nicholson, Cortez, Lindroth)

A sad day indeed. For we have lost a fine Marine in the ZMAN, Even I have never met Mike we had exchanged email while he was CO of 165, from those I ...

21 years ago
40th Anniversary of the Phrog

😀 PHROGS Forever OOOOOOOORAH. Also everyone should email loca area tv stations in the Boeing area and ask they to find out why? Stations for Seatt...

21 years ago
Engine Intake Sand Filters on the 46

😮 :p As I reca;; there were three basoc fi;ters/ways to keeps sand, dirt, etc out of eng's. Witch's tits, Barroer Filters and later EAPS )engine ...

21 years ago
Aux Power Units on the 46

Rhat awful wind down sound and that meant pimp back to I think 2500psi about 54 pumps if memory recalls. Most sqds maint guys said if it works leaveit...

21 years ago
Mission audio 18JUN70 - Dwight Williams

Outstanding tape brings back some memories Maybe some folks have more of these types of audios. If anyone has one of 11 July 72 missoon would like...

21 years ago

MEDVACS I agree with the others, Most evacs were pop up's and flown after or during another mission. I only remember a couple times using stokes ...

21 years ago
No longer a part of today's Marine Corps?

Forgot the sattine utilities really looked good freshes syartched. Remember that first set in boot stood by thwmselves. the woolly pully wa sa good ad...

21 years ago
not part of corps

not part of corps WOOL Overcoat/Horse bkanket Stay wey raincoat Hey we need C rays and a John Wayne!!!:o

21 years ago

Aircre How about "Tribed" with Darren McGaven and Jan Micheal Vinxent.;) Also Flying Leatchernecks. Nwvwe heard or saw Running Brave??

21 years ago
Reno 2004

Not sure I can help? Knew a SSgt Lee or Lynn McLeod at Whidbey in the mid to late 70;s he was a member of HMM-770 a reserve sqd and lives in the Port...

21 years ago
Proof Of Combat

Think you were part of support shipd for LPH-10/11 at that time or the USS Okinawa they had HMM-165 and 164 aboard along with the MAU/MAB and comphibr...

21 years ago
Taps for Col. Paul L.Moreau

I knew Paul only a short time as I rejoined 165 from its det aboard LPH 10 in early 72 and not sure I flew with him or not but he was always stopping...

22 years ago

721107 This was very unluckly crew as they had just pasted behind a sorba prior to being hit. the two gunners killed outright from fragments of ...

22 years ago
buno 151920 YT-6

Sounds like maybe she's in the bone yard at Tuscon>> Maybe Slick can confirm that she was retired and not crashed?

22 years ago
jump jet

jump jet Its mostly likely a "A" or "C" model, does not appear to be a raised canopy as on "B"'s and has the outboard rigger wheels

22 years ago
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