Patch Source Tom, I've had pretty good luck on ebay - 2 in particular: authorusmc782gearbook patchslave Good Luck ...
This quote is from the US Dept. of Veteran Afffairs - "A Vietnam era veteran is a person who (1)served on active duty for a period of more than 1...
Good Point Paul, Most of the 18-19 year olds that I encounter are some ornery little SOB's - I get flipped off daily (probably driving ...
I stand corrected Learn something new everyday !
Era verse combat Jim, That's what being brothers is all about.. Semper Fi Tom
What's the big deal Of the 2.6 million Americans that went to Vietnam, between 1-1.6 million (40-60%) either fought in combat, provided close sup...
The McNamara Line Duke - What a great idea that was eh? Here's the skinny: The McNamara Line was a defensive line created by the U...
The only "Yankee Station" Yankee Station was a point in the Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of Vietnam used by the U.S. Navy aircraft carr...
New Memorial Paul, I was reading an article about the Arizona Memorial and how the structure is in pretty bad shape - apparently, they are t...
NATOPS Version I have attached the "By the Book" landing procedures as described in the CH-46D Flight Manual as well as "Hover Aft" procedures. ...
CH-46 Slicks-Gunships Joe, I remember hearing about a "Stinger" configuration where a .50 was mounted on the ramp and used in flight. I know...
Ramps Walt, I've never heard about the ramps being taken off - Did any of the operational squadrons fly the AC without the ramp for mis...
Hover Aft Joe, Here's a excerpt from your friend John Dullighan's "Cinderella Bird" on Hover Aft A maneuver was strictly forbidden, but...