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Tim Bastyr
Tim Bastyr
Eminent Member
Joined: 2001-08-24 00:16
Topics: 0 / Replies: 20
Anyone know my Father - SSgt David L Moser - MIA/KIA 661006 HMM-265

Hello, Jeff. We corresponded a few years back. You will recall that I knew your father and flew with him a few times. I also knew your uncle. Tom...

16 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 2
Tom Lindsey, HMM-265

Thomas M. Lindsey returned to base in 2003 as a result of prostate cancer. S/F Tim Bastyr

16 years ago
Recon Marines

Recon Marines HMM-265 deployed to Vietnam aboard the USS Boxer in April 1966. We did have a unit of Force Recon aboard with us. Many of us got to...

17 years ago
Gunny Lazarko

Gunny Lazarko Gunny Lazarko lives in Melbourne, FL. I do have his address and telephone number, but not with me. His telephone number is listed. ...

17 years ago
Vietnam Documentary - Requires H-46 Footage

HMM-265 Veterans Association has official USMC footage of Squadron CH-46 aircraft combat operations ('66-'67). The original 16mm film has been convert...

18 years ago
Phu Bai-1967

Phu Bai-1967 My memory is certainly rusty, but I believe the Order of Battle has a number of errors. About March (maybe April) 1967, HMM-265 relo...

19 years ago
Tom Lindsey

Tom Lindsey seems to have vanished. Several of us have been trying to reach him for some time. There is no response to his old E-mail address. If you ...

19 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 2
HMM-265 Prostate Cancer Survey

HMM-265 Prostate Cancer Survey I was recently asked to perform an informal E-mail survey of HMM-265 members who have been diagnosed with prostate...

19 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 3
Reunion M/C Ride

Reunion M/C Ride Just to let you know, I got off the phone with Sal at Reno HD a few minutes ago. I reserved a Heritage for the ride. They still ...

21 years ago
Phrog Combat Footage/Movie

I know nothing about copying 16mm film to DVD or VHS format. However, I would certainly contribute to the cause to get a copy. If it would help, I wil...

21 years ago
H-34 APU Trivia Question

H-34 APU Trivia Question Ernie Needham wins the trivia question prize! Gee Ernie, I didn't think that anyone would remember that the intended pur...

21 years ago
Aux Power Units on the 46

Wayne, I'm surprised that the H-34 APU engine was a Homelight chainsaw engine. You can usually start those chainsaws. Can you remember trying to start...

21 years ago

CH-46A APP As I recall, the units on a 46 were actually refered to as APP's (auxillary power plants). The units on H-34's were APU's. The APP was...

21 years ago
Dreaded Perimeter Guard Duty

Dreaded Perimeter Guard Duty During 1966, Zulu Company was the polite moniker given to the provisional rifle company responsible for MMAF perimet...

21 years ago
Reunion MC Ride

Reunion MC Ride Sounds like a plan. Count me in. John, how do you like your 04 Road Star? I ride a 2000 Road Star Silverado. Great bike. Rid...

21 years ago
Long Gone

Long Gone How many old salts remember the wool Battle Jacket, also known as an Eisenhower Blouse? These dress jackets were still being issued in ...

21 years ago
.50 Cals in CH-46s

.50 Cals in CH-46s We trained with .50 Cals in HMM-265 prior to arriving in country. We fired .50s at a towed sled, flying off of the USS Boxer...

21 years ago