Last seen: 2025-03-21 13:10
If you scan the squadron history link, there is a photo of Col Keith McCutchon on page 5. It’s a stretch, as there are probably many Mc… that were pi...
That’s the HMR 161 motto.
Dale, thank you! I will repost in the obituaries.
If Mike O’Neil is on the forum, he might be able to help. I believe Mike was in Avionics. As an aside, Mike’s father was one of the last 4 NAP Flyin...
Here’s a link to Bill’s obituary.
Keith, thanks for posting! Sad news, Bob was a good guy and good Marine! If I remember correctly, he was also one of my instructors at AE B school.
skatz, would you please send me an email regarding MSgt Aguirre. sparsons at Canby dot comm
Both Moderna and Pfizer 3d boosters just approved for all adults.
I’m very saddened to learn of Larry’s death. I was in VMO 2 when we shared the shop with 167, and met him there. He was my Avionics Chie...
Willie’s passing is sad news. I served with him at Kaneohe, and thought he was the best Maintenance Chief in the Marine Corps. Semper Fi, Will...
Tom Constantine - VMO 6
rivmock;n53395 wrote: I joined VMO-6 (avionics) in April, 1965. We had 6 HOKs. By May they were gone and we were totally UH-1E. I work at the New Engl...