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SJ 6869
SJ 6869
New Member
Joined: 2002-11-24 19:37
Topics: 0 / Replies: 4
JULY 1968 MK-19 40mm evaluation HML-367

Wow! Me too. It sure does not look like the one that I remember. But at my age a lot of things don't look like I remember. 🙂

22 years ago
JULY 1968 MK-19 40mm evaluation HML-367

Yes George...I do remember having that big son of a gun locked down on the floor boards on the gunner's side. It not only did not work real well at t...

22 years ago
VA Diabetes Award Type II (Retiree)

Copies of your individual flight logs will be a big help in closing the "creditabilty gap"...You can also write to the VA office that is supposed to b...

22 years ago