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Roger Thaht
Roger Thaht
New Member
Joined: 2004-07-19 15:00
Topics: 0 / Replies: 3
CH-46As Breaking up in Flight!!!

YOu know, i have always heard about something called aft hover, and the pilots putting there hands over the pitot tubes to turn it on. I heard it was ...

21 years ago
Aux Power Units on the 46

i dont know why anyone would want to be in a helicopter powered by the 46's apu. It is made by international harvester and was originally designed for...

21 years ago
Question on the CH-46, 1968

The ramp of yesteryear is different from today. Now the ramp and hatch control manifold has controls fluid to the ramp and hatch at 750 psi. Back in t...

21 years ago