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Robbie Robertson
Robbie Robertson
Active Member
Joined: 2003-08-17 18:12
Topics: 0 / Replies: 9
Tricare For Life

Tricare For Life This piece has been floating around the internet for some time now. This piece has the smell of conservative scare tactics. (I...

15 years ago
Bob Skinder

Bob Skinder UAMF Founder, master tin bender, historian par exellance, all around good guy. We didn't serve in the Southeast Asia Wargames togeth...

15 years ago
Ugly Angel Memorial now home

Tom, I say again, "Well Done, XO". From your post, I find myself triply blessed; I was Ugly, I was Ugly supporting the "Magnificent Bastar...

17 years ago
Supply drops into Khe Sanh exceeded the total for all of Vietnam up to that time.

That's amazing because, of all the times I watched these guys do thier thing to get supplies into Khe Sanh, I guess I never looked at the name on the ...

21 years ago
Ed Ostrowski search

Ed Ostrowski search Thanks for the tip, Allyn. I called all four numbers in CT, and got a 30 year old who said, "I've got a father who lives in ...

21 years ago
21 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 2
Who knows who this is?

Well, shut my mouth. I admit that I was FUBAR on this subject. So, who is the guy in the photo?

21 years ago
Who knows who this is?

I hope I am doing this right. This is all very confusing to me. The picture you are trying to identify is most certainly NOT the Marine side of Phu ...

21 years ago
22 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 2