Active Member
Joined: 2003-01-16 21:36
2lt Joe Greene
2lt Joe Greene I went to boot camp and MCRD San Diego with Joe Greene in July of 1967 after we graduated high school at Granville Ohio. I went t...
16 years ago
Sgt. Robert (Bob) Parham
Sgt. Robert (Bob) Parham To all my friends at Popasmoke and HML-167. It is with regret that I cannot attend this years reunion. My wife of 31 y...
17 years ago
2006 Reunion
My wife Carol and I will be there, arriving evening of 10 Aug. staying at the Hilton Garden Inn. Bob Parham 🙂
19 years ago
Looking forward to the HML-167 Dinner
Looking forward to the HML-167 Dinner Allyn, Thanks for the information about the Squadron dinner. My wife Carol and I are really looking f...
19 years ago
Living in Ohio (Marble Mountain Marine)
Living in Ohio (Marble Mountain Marine) I am from Marble Mountain HML-167 69-70 crew chief, now residing in Westerville OH suburb of Columbus. :...
19 years ago