CWO Chuck Berry I knew Chuck Berry when I checked into HMM-163 in 1963 after transitioning with a whole wad of fixed-wing jocks into ornithopers ...
Davy Booker Give me a bit of time to respond to this inquiry. I served with Davy Booker when we were flying FJ-4's in Hawaii in the 50's, and I'...
YP-13 Whereabouts as of Today Thomas: Im surprised that someone from the Ridge Runners during the '64-'65 timeframe hasn't responded to you ...
Buck Crowdis Shonda: I served two tours in Vietnam with your grandfather, Buck Crowdis, once in HMM-163 (64-65) and next door to Buck while he w...
George "Charlie Tuna" Atteberry What did you do with your records, Tuna? I can vouch for you through my local VA office if you'd like,...
Great Leader, Great Marine! Yesterday, I sent the PopaSmoke Administrator an email and attachment about Col. Bennie H. Mann. Following his funer...