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orlando ingvold
orlando ingvold
Trusted Member
Joined: 2001-08-24 02:29
Topics: 0 / Replies: 85
helicopter bomb

During Oct '67, I flew HUEY's to NOTS, China Lake, from CamPen, to test drop the HTW (helicopter trap weapon) and the fuel air explosive device (FAE...

22 years ago
A helicopters pilots best friend

According to my log books this was the time I spent there in the following units: Oct-'66-Dec'66-Sub Unit 1, H&Ms-30, 3DMAW; Dec'66-Mar'68-VMO-5 MHTG-...

22 years ago
Those Marvelous DUECE'S!

I was offered a ride on one of them from Dong Ha to Da Nang. It had a crack in pylon skin near the tail rotor. I declined. Lanny

22 years ago
CH-46E HMX-1, a photo from the NIGHTHAWKS

It was probably provided by John Morgenstern(sp?), Frog factory rep. forever at Quantico, a good man, very proud of the -46. Lanny

22 years ago
Helicopter Piloting 101 - 3 Credit hours

But what about "ground effect", "ground cushion", "dynamic-roll over", "pilot induced vibration", "mast bounce", "ground resonance", and the list goes...

22 years ago
Awarding the Bronze Star.

Take a look at the order of awards as they are now (Google search-us military awards). The Purple Heart is now ahead of the Air Medal, just below the...

22 years ago
Major Gilbert Rusterholtz

I aquired a houseboat in 1973 while stationed with HMX-1. ( Big mistake, but that's another story.) I had him onboard for an evening cruise on the P...

22 years ago
Ov-10a 55450 Vmo-2 VS-12

Flew 20.7 hours in that bird out of MMAF. That was during second tour, HUEYs on first. Loved it all. Lanny

22 years ago
MY FATHER???? Mann, Glenn Dill 1stLT Copilot VMO-6 KIA 651123

Have been unable to email a response to Scott through the address provided. Address is invalid or something like that. Would like to respond. H...

22 years ago
NBC School

I also attended NBC school at CamPen, '64-'65. Got to inject something into my leg, through my utilities. Was exposed to mustard gas in very small a...

22 years ago
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