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orlando ingvold
orlando ingvold
Trusted Member
Joined: 2001-08-24 02:29
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Replies: 2
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Re: Marble Mountain - 1969-1970 - HMS-16 HML-267 personnel

Re: Marble Mountain - 1969-1970 - H&MS-16 HML-267 personnel I was at CamPen when VMO-5 became HML-267 in 68. Spent most of 69 in VMO-2, MMAF, fl...

13 years ago
Re: Looking for Operation SHUFLY personnel

Re: Looking for Operation SHUFLY personnel I was not there but VMO-2 was in on the action.

13 years ago
Re: Operation Shufly

Re: Operation Shufly I was not there but VMO-2 was in on the action.

13 years ago
Re: CH-53Ds of HMH-463 made two small napalm drops

Re: CH-53Ds of HMH-463 made two small napalm drops Why are the landing gear down? Lanny

14 years ago
Re: How do I find out if my dad was a member.

Re: How do I find out if my dad was a member. ace neds a med eval.

14 years ago
Restoring a uh-1e vietnam info needed

I flew 151858 24 flights, 31.7 hours from 28 Feb '67 to 16 Sep '68 as an instructor pilot. That was in both VMO-5 and HML-267. I took her on two Gun...

15 years ago
WM's in RVN

Ribbon/medal precedence has changed since we were in. PH out ranks the AM now.

15 years ago
Recon insertion/extraction

What I did not like was when the whispering voice became loud and panting hard!---Found and on the run! Lanny

15 years ago
Origin of Phrog?

Go to the following site for the whole story by John Morgenstern himself. I have a Phrog Phlyers patch sewn in the armpit of my flight jacket that I ...

16 years ago
Victor H. Krulak Dies at 95!

Sad to see this. But we will all come to this. He swore me in as a regular 1967. Then I stepped on his toe. He was a family friend through my fathe...

16 years ago
Complete List of every helicopter the USMC ever operated?

I flew two VH-1Ds at HMX 1971&72: 015561 and 015334. My last flight was 26 Apr 1972 in 015334, a bit past your Jan '72 date. Lanny

17 years ago
heliocopters with mounted mgs in korea?

I looked through some of my books and came up with this in "Marines and Helicopters 1962-1973" Library of Congress Card No. 76-600052; PCN 190 003074 ...

17 years ago
Running toTransitional Lift

Never heard of anything like this before. I've got over 3000 hrs in the Huey, one year flying guns in RVN. If you could get it in a 3-4 foot hover, ...

17 years ago
Reflecting on Khe Sanh...

Spent one night there '66, before the siege. They would not let any of us inside the wire. They put up a GP tent on the other side of the runway for...

18 years ago
operation Hastings

Try going to: and searching MAG-16 command chronologies or even the squadron's. A lot of good info there.

18 years ago
Looking for 34 crew - February 17, 1968

I have tried to post a correction to my message above a couple times but I guess I am not smart enough to click on the right things. AT 946900 is...

18 years ago
Looking for 34 crew - February 17, 1968

AT 946900 is 1500 meters south of Hai Van pass right on Hwy 1. Lanny

18 years ago
Marine One Stamps

When I read about it before seeing it, I thought, maybe I'll buy a sheet. Then I scrolled down and saw the picture and PRICE! For that amount I hope...

18 years ago
Charlie Med, etc???

In '65-'66 I thought "C" Med was just west of Da Nang(medevaced myself there once.) We also had the NSA hospital just west of Marble. I took head wo...

18 years ago
Need some Huey help

It was an 19 shot pod designed to be shot shotgun style off fast movers as an air to air weapon. We had to add an intervalometer (sp?) in one of the ...

18 years ago
Need some Huey help

I would suggest that you use the 18 shot rockett pods vice the wimpy 7 shot ones. Air frames change 7 is the gun kit that first armed our Hueys.

18 years ago
CH-53 A/C losses Deaths

Then there was a 53 midair out of Santa Anna when an Army trained PUI did not understand the Army vs Naval way of changing lead--new lead flys forward...

18 years ago
Return to Parris Island

Do not know why this popped into my head while reading the above, but my wife was blond at the time. We were new to NAS Whiting and our first time of...

18 years ago
CH-53 A/C losses Deaths

Do not know if this applies, but on a presidential support flight from Chicago back to Quantico, circa '73, turbulent wx over W.Va., heavy, in and out...

18 years ago
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