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Active Member
Joined: 2002-10-16 21:32
Permission to speak?
Permission to speak?
There are so many "thank you"s to hand out!! I never knew "working" could be so much fun! (Ok .. the salary "ain't" great!...
21 years ago
Thank You
Thank You
I remember the day I first told Mom that I had become associated with PopASmoke. Being a real Patriot, she beamed with pride.
21 years ago
Bill's Farewell
Bill's Farewell
Today, Bear Bryant and I, along with other PopASmoke members, Mike Amtower, Jim Moriarty and "Tex" Evans, were privileged to atte...
21 years ago
A Salute to the Real Mustang
A Salute to the Real Mustang
The first time I met Bill Woidyla was in the Tomball VFW last November. It was a rare chilly day in the Houston are...
21 years ago
Classic. .. Bob Hope. . .
Classic. .. Bob Hope. . .
ON TURNING 70: "You still chase women, but only downhill".
ON TURNING 80: "That's the time of your life when even ...
22 years ago
Thank you..
Thank you..
John .. . .Thank you . .for that compelling story . .
and Gary . .
Thank you . .. .. ..you have all touched my heart .......
22 years ago
Len . .. not a problem . . (just put me in shock there for a minute .. ) .. apology accepted .. thank you
The Lady Mustan...
22 years ago
Could someone educate "the lady"?
What is a "harrier"?
Mustang . .. .:)
22 years ago