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L R Gilton
L R Gilton
Active Member
Joined: 2001-08-25 14:02
Topics: 0 / Replies: 18
Serve with General Lewis W. Walt?

All those names are familar but on the personal level I nominate Jim Shelton as CO, Bob Wemheur, K D johnson and Art Friend as maintenance OICs. Oh an...

14 years ago
Anyone Recognize this Site ??

Unbelivable. My first FMF duty station, we had HOK's HRS's HR2S's and the all new HUS. My first job was to remove the flotation gear from one of the n...

15 years ago
Hyd fluid

Hyd fluid H-34 rotor brakes were job security for the hydraulic shops. After the old air accumulators were replaced with a spring loaded compensa...

16 years ago
Hyd fluid

Hyd fluid Old 5606 was also used as a cheap sun tan lotion by some.

16 years ago
Hyd fluid

Hyd fluid Just do a Google search on mil h 5606 hydraulic fluid. That is the fluid we used on H34. All the details are there, no specific odor ad...

16 years ago
Proof of RVN service

Proof of RVN service In my case the VA needed help proving I was actually on the ground in Viet Nam. The Texas Tech University "Virtual Vietnam A...

16 years ago
Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Thanks Mike! It is really strange that I received my "Award" letter today, only 10 days short of one year since I filed. I did ge...

16 years ago
17 years ago
Replies: 3
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Replies: 21
Views: 2

MARTD H-46s We did have H-46s at Detroit, I believe it was HMM-776 but not certain. When I first arrived in April 1970 we had H-34s. Gunner L E K...

19 years ago
Col Blanton

Col Blanton I worked for Col Blanton when he was the S-3 of MARTD Detroit Selfridge ANG Base. We had OV-10s and H-46s, I think he flew both. This...

19 years ago
Squadron Mates HMH 463 - 76 to 79

I talked with Rick Chandler last year and have his phone number laying around somewhere. He is a corporate aircraft pilot based in North Carolina and ...

20 years ago
Sgt Major Pilot

I do not remember the SgtMaj you named but I do remember a SgtMaj pilot from H&ms-36 back in the 1959/60 timeframe. We all called him "Flight Suit Phi...

20 years ago
Results of CH53D accident Board

Hello Alpha Golf! Without knowing what kind of maintance process the Corps is currently using I cannot say where this process broke down....but....I d...

20 years ago
Looking for information

I visited with Col Rathbun in 1971/72. He had retired and was the Manager of the Detroit City Airport, doing well and healthy as a horse. I was statio...

21 years ago
Help us get a a CH-37 for MAG-26/29 and MCAS New River??

Most likely gone now but in 1966 a complete HR2S was in a vacant lot beside a service station. Highway 51N Millington Tennessee. SF

22 years ago
Duece sea story

Duece sea story This story circulated around at Santa Ana in the 1959/60 timeframe: It was said that a HR2S crew chief wanted to have some fun at...

22 years ago
NBC School

I attended NBC school at MCAS El Toro in 1960. I remember the injection well, it was a saline solution and so stated on the tube. I have had no advers...

23 years ago