Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Lebanon, Dominican Republic, Panama, Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan
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john a oubre
john a oubre
Active Member
Joined: 2001-08-24 16:11
Topics: 0 / Replies: 14
Re: Vietnam: Our place in US History

Re: Vietnam: Our place in US History My English teacher in my senior year in High School was a Marine Infantry Officer in Korea. He even brought...

14 years ago
Crow's Nest

Crow's Nest I served two tours at Marble Mountain (67-68-69-70). Somehow I missed the nice barracks mentioned by the author of the article on th...

16 years ago
Operation Allen Brooke

Operation Allen Brooke I was flying as a Gunner with HMM-361 on May 7, 1968 and we were shot down on Goi Noi Island during Operation Allen Brooke...

16 years ago
Marble mountain

I was wounded during a rocket attack that hit the mess hall on 12May68.

18 years ago
UH34D/CH34A differences?

If I remember correctly the U in UH meant a utility helicopter and the C was for Cargo Helicopter.

18 years ago
Grunts At Marble Mountain

It was Zulu Company. I , along with Sgt. E. P. Hall, were assigned to Zulu Company as Platoon Leaders when HMM-361 disbanded in 1968. Only a few of ...

20 years ago
VA preformance

I've been dealing with the VA for years and have never had a problem. My son was injured in Iraq and was medically discharged on July 1, 2004. We go...

21 years ago
Va Not All Bad

The VA has treated me very well. My initial claim took about a year and my appeal about 18 months, but this was 5 years ago. I am now 90% with unsui...

21 years ago
Association Name

Association Name I don't post too often, but this controversy on expanding our membership is worthy of comment. I have met Marines who earned th...

21 years ago
What about the families at home?

I have a son who was injured in Iraq. He's getting a medical retirement July 1. If I would have known what my folks must have been going through whe...

21 years ago
Popping Non-Green Smoke here

GEICO was very helpful with me when my son was in Iraq.

21 years ago
MMAF Zulu Company

I was in Zulu Company in 68 and we still had a few people from the squadroons on detail. I even had two soldiers in the platoon. There was live am...

21 years ago
MMAF Zulu Company

I was a platoon leader with Zulu Company and I served under two different C.O.'s. They were Major McCloskey, not sure of the spelling, and Captain Pa...

21 years ago
PVT Gary James PALMER, MAG-16 accidental homicide

I was a Platoon Leader in Zulu Company and Palmer was in my platoon when he was accidentally shot and killed. I have contacted his daughter and gave ...

21 years ago