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Jim Nabors
Jim Nabors
Active Member
Joined: 2003-01-10 00:17
Topics: 0 / Replies: 5
Re: Looking for info about a HMH-463 CH-53 crash on 10 Oct 1970

Re: Looking for info about a HMH-463 CH-53 crash on 10 Oct 1970 This crash that killed Sergeant Bruce McNeil is a nightmare that’s behind me afte...

12 years ago
Multiple Myeloma

Multiple Myeloma My form of cancer is called Multiple Myeloma. I flew with HMH-463 in Vietnam 70-71. I doubt that we moved any Agent Orange. Some...

17 years ago
Marble Mtn PMO

No rumor. I was sent from HMH-463 TAD as an MP from mid Dec 70 until late Feb 71. I recall this event but I can’t recall the date. I would put it in J...

18 years ago
Myeloma and Agent Orange

Myeloma and Agent Orange Agent Orange is a topic that I have skimmed over until I was diagnosed with Myeloma this month. I’m in stage I. The caus...

19 years ago
California Fires

Brook, Thanks for thinking of me. Tuesday night the pass was closed. I went to the local bar then I slept on the floor of my office. I got ho...

21 years ago