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Jim Freeman
Jim Freeman
Active Member
Joined: 2008-03-05 16:06
Topics: 0 / Replies: 6
Charlie Cornwell, Jr.

Charlie Cornwell, Jr. I was with Charlie in HMH-361 at Tustin around 1980 when he was promoted from SSGT. to WO. Charlie was a fine Marine and al...

14 years ago

Hmt-301 I was in HMT-301 at the time of the mid-air. I had just flown with Sgt. Cheshire a few days before. I remember his VW bug sitting in the ...

15 years ago
Trip 7's

Trip 7's thomas.zuppke;21578 wrote: I think I am in error. the trip-7 guys might have been "Furhman's.":) You're right on, the Fuhrman's wer...

16 years ago
MARTD Dallas Tx

MARTD Dallas Tx thomas.zuppke;21538 wrote: Jim Freeman...are you of the TX Freemans from HMH trip 7's or a veteran-trained HMH-204 person from MC...

16 years ago
Looking for Old/New Screw members

I was in 462 07/75 thru 07/76. Was on the Okie first, then the Juneau, and Tripoli. I remember we had to off-load a bird at White Beach after the floa...

17 years ago
HMH-462/Okie/ Futema

HMH-462/Okie/ Futema laker88;21080 wrote: Just trying to find anyone that was with 165 in 1977 and with hmh462 at futema, I was aboard the ...

17 years ago