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James "Pru" Pruitt
James "Pru" Pruitt
Active Member
Joined: 2005-08-20 02:42
Topics: 0 / Replies: 6
Replies: 1
Views: 3
Funeral for LtCol. Bolton CO HMH-462 1974/75

Funeral for LtCol. Bolton CO HMH-462 1974/75 I attended LtCol. Bolton's funeral today. Around 200 people attended. A nice memorial service with f...

17 years ago
Marine Corps League El Toro Detachment #017

Marine Corps League El Toro Detachment #017 We meet the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:30PM at the American Legion in Orange, CA. Orange, CA. i...

18 years ago
TCU and other places in Ft. Worth

TCU and other places in Ft. Worth Hi Paul, It will be my pleasure to drive you around Ft. Worth. Make out your list of places you want to see a...

19 years ago
Paperwork and Accidents

Paperwork and Accidents Sparrow or Cheryl-- I am still waiting on the paperwork that you were going to send me. Cheryl you can send it to Van Hal...

19 years ago
I was a Member of the Screw Crew 73-76

I was a Member of the "Screw Crew" 73-76 I was in HMH-462. I went to the 2000 San Diego Reunion. I was surprised that 462 did not have ...

20 years ago