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Joined: 2006-05-25 10:17
Topics: 0 / Replies: 6
From ole crew mate

From "ole" crew mate To Jimmy Frye, Little about myself, I got out after my enlistment was up. I tryed a number of things. There w...

16 years ago
Looking for Nick

Looking for Nick Nick may be gone but he still has been here to draw together "ole crew mates". Brings back to us the day when we too, (to use a...

16 years ago
Looking for Ch-46 pilots/Feb 68

Looking for Ch-46 pilots/Feb 68 As I read of this incident, it sure sounds familiar. I was crewchief on EP-1 HMM-265. It is very possible that my...

16 years ago
Response about Kaman H-2's

Response about Kaman H-2's I was stationed at MCAS Beaufort,S.C. Jan. 69 thru Apr.70, with H&HS. We were SAR and had two H-2's that were used for...

16 years ago
Tractor on Flightline

Tractor on Flightline You are asking about a long time ago. Then, of course, the mention of being influenced by a few beers at the time it is ver...

16 years ago
looking for nick

looking for nick over the years i have picked up on bits of info about former members of 265. jeff wallace, former crew chief from 265, has been ...

18 years ago