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Joined: 2003-07-09 16:39
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Va Not All Bad

Thanks Jim ... I'll be watch also! SF jd

21 years ago
How do we prove we were in MedEvacs?

Well it's almost Christmas and Uncle Sam sent me his "gift". YEP! I got "OK"ed by VA today for the claim. It was through this forum that I got help ...

21 years ago
Va Not All Bad

Roger that. I filed in 1974 and today I got my "OK" from VA! Now this was from the last time that I objected from their ruling last summer. I had a he...

21 years ago
Those Marvelous DUECE'S!

wish I had thought of that one! lol jd "Falcon"

22 years ago
Those Marvelous DUECE'S!

I remember as the pilot walked out to the duce. Someone next to me had told me that the pilot was the oldest active duty warrant officers in the Corps...

22 years ago
HQ USMC Historical Div

Roger that, the command is there for July and After flight reports from July1-20 July. But is void after that. I wanted to check on flights on July...

22 years ago
Vietnam Pow Picture

Mike, I remember the photo of the Peploe (sp) a Navy ship captured in North Korea waters. The crew did the same thing in their phot opp. They were b...

22 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 2
Those Marvelous DUECE'S!

Roth, how was it for the crewchief to load... I mean weight wise? jd "Falcon"

22 years ago
Marines: Then and Now

You guys make an old man cry... I am proud of those who served before us and also those who serve after us.... We are all a Band Of Brothers ... ...

22 years ago
UPDATE to HqUSMC History Dept

UPDATE to HqUSMC History Dept Well I got off what I had collected up. I found out that (1) you need your VA case number on EVERY piece of paper t...

22 years ago
Corpman up front!

John thanks a million! Each account is helping me to give VA a picture of what we all did in those cabins a long time ago. Your Navy Award shows wha...

22 years ago
22 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 2
22 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 2
Helicopter Piloting 101 - 3 Credit hours

Al , had I have read this in '65 in Memphis, training for recips/helos... I may have tried to change my MOS to 0300 ! LOL But the confidence instill...

22 years ago
How do we prove we were in MedEvacs?

Yesterday, July 18th, I got the two CDs from HQMC with many reports within them. Their letter states that they only have about 20% of the air wings re...

22 years ago
Those Marvelous DUECE'S!

Gunny, I was there in early '67 at MMAF when the last "Duce" left country with what was told to me by the last oldest active serving warrant officer (...

22 years ago
Ex-Support of USMC

Jerry, were you there when that Marine huey got hit with a mortor round in '67? I got some pictures of that plane. Also, you guys had a VERY nice st...

22 years ago
How do we prove we were in MedEvacs?

Ed you can reach me at my e-mail jhuntsr@bellsouth.net This sounds great to add to my "report" to VA. Thanks again, Semper fi jd "Falcon"

22 years ago
Follow on to Helo uniforms ????/ Sidearms and knives

This made me remember many of thew side arms 361 had in its planes. I don't see Marty Poloskie's "long" rifle mentioned here. Yes! a friggen long rifl...

22 years ago
What is your favorite Marine Movie????

""Fire Base Gloria" was a small movie about Nam and Marine recon unit getting into an Army outpost just when tet 68 opened up. It was a "ballzy" movi...

22 years ago
Those Goddamn Marines By Lt. Col. David W. Szelowski USMCR

Col D.W.Szelowski's post echoes our heart beats of our beloved Corps. I can still recall walking along one of the "outer" roads at Marble Mt and looki...

22 years ago
How do we prove we were in MedEvacs?

Top of the morning to all! Yesterday i got the FAX number from HQMC and sent in a request. Hoping it won't take ten weeks though. Also have already ...

22 years ago
How do we prove we were in MedEvacs?

LOl Slick that phone number is for some department in the Homeland security department.... should of seen my face when they answered! LOL anywho,...

22 years ago
How do we prove we were in MedEvacs?

Well it's been a busy day here calling and writting. Again I thank all for your suggestions. Do the CDs have the missions coded with the type of fl...

22 years ago
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