Handicap Rooms The Hotel does not know how the handicap room was rented, but it was. The rooms for Popasmoke are now back in lockdown until rele...
Rooms I don't care who has insider info. No rooms will be released until the reunion packets go out with Bruce's approval. I will find out what...
Rooms Marines: We have a total of 985 rooms reserved for us out of 1119 total. I do not believe that handicap rooms will be an issue. Reun...
163 Contact Charlie LZ here, reunion coordinator. My computer crashed and I am having it rebuilt and can't tell you if I have heard from yo...
Reporting for duty For those of you that ever stopped by the hootch at the Wall, Rick always had a joke or two to tell. Adios Rick, another Gunn...
Good-bye Gooie Gooie was laid to rest today at Arlington National Cemetary. The rain held off until after the ceremony, guess God liked Gooie. A...
More from Frenchy Gents: Background on Ernesto "Gooie" Gomez. Gooie supported the Semper Fi Fund, for Wounded Warriors out in San Ant...
Have you tried this site: I stumbled across it tonight and it appears that a number of guys have posted on there. You might want to try i...
The Wall Marines & Devil Doc's There was a tv ad today featuring Lt Rocky Bleir (Pittsburg Steelers) who asked everyone to come down to the ...
KIA Report Go here for more info: USMC/Combat Helicopter Association | Add your comments for this incident Brothers Killed in Act...
Mmmmmmm Could be, you will have to wait and see!!
Ah -No that would be like white covers, white gloves, spit shined shoes......getting the picture yet???????
Dc Joe There will be a few changes from the normal reunion. These will come out at a later time as we are trying to lock down some things a...
Found this Eligibility for a Headstone or Marker The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) furnishes upon request, at no charge to the applica...
Are you talking about this one?
Katie Check with Sgt Grit's. I think they had both birds over there last year. They had some video on their website for awhile. Go to www,grun...
So like maybe you guys did not read this post!!!! We need help!!!!!!Friday night set up at 1900 in the vicinity of 20th St & Constitution. Openi...
Total it!!! Buy it back salvage, get a new frame and viola - new scooter. Plus, make her insurance buy you a new one. Anyone that blows a .23 a...
Memorial Week-end Marines On Saturday, there will be a "Support the Troops Rally" - please try to make it. On Sunday - well, Rolling Thunde...
Joe Happy Day. Put Carole on the back and go for a scoot. See ya next Sunday.