Dale Ir is easier to catch the cab from these hotels/motels as the nearest metro to the Wall is at least 8 blocks away - and it is a hump!!! Fro...
The Wall Yes, we will be at the Wall on the Birthday & Veteran's Day. We will be joined on the Birthday by Alpha Recon Association. Some of us ...
Col Cipparone I left him a voice mail today telling him where to find this post.
Col Wallace Sorry, no R. J. Wallace in the database.
John Garcia HMM-161 received through our website: Message: To Whom it may concern, John N. Garcia Marine and Vie...
Jj I just got my latest rejection letter tonight. First rejection was for not having evidence of a chronic condition. That information was then...
Does it really matter? I filed for Type II diabetes (presumptive condition) and neuropothy (presumptive condition) and was turned down twice. I a...
Thanks to Joe Scholle, Jim Turner, Tom Cannon, Ed Desaussure and Cecil Newcomb III for their tireless work at the hootch. We had between 75-...
Not Sam He has more hair and is younger looking. BTW - Where is Sam Beamon? He is running 3 different investigations on the 3 different MCL...
Chuck This photo was taken off the Detachment website and was posted by an individual on another website - and the battle was on.
Mike I think I have to stand behind Sam on this. I have known him for over 10 years and is a stand up guy. He may spread the BS a little thick ...