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Dick Haley
Dick Haley
Active Member
Joined: 2002-11-28 13:58
Topics: 0 / Replies: 5
George Curtis

George Curtis I miss George. EOM Dick Haley C/C yz-19

16 years ago
Think Snow

Think Snow My sister sent a "Think Snow" bumber sticker from a skiing resort in NH. I was told to remove it as I was not to Marine Specs. D...

18 years ago
363 in Hawaii

363 in Hawaii I was in Hawaii over the Thankgiving holiday 2006. HMH 363 is stationed at MCBH Kanaoe. I met a C/C for a 53. I told him that I ...

18 years ago
I miss Curt

I miss Curt I will see him again in the BIG HANGER!!

19 years ago
Repatriation of NVN prisoners

I was a crew chief with HMM 363. YZ 19. We flew as an unarmed aircraft to proterct the boats, crews and passengers in case of upset in the water. I ...

20 years ago