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Dick Habeck
Dick Habeck
Active Member
Joined: 2001-10-02 13:24
Topics: 0 / Replies: 6
Wes Henry

Wes is listed in the directory, but here is his address: 4005 S. Mission Rd Fallbrook CA 92028 Phone 760-723-3397 R/S Dick Habeck

15 years ago

Diabetes Correction: You are entitled to double benefits if you qualify for Combat Related Service Connected disability. I am retired also, and a...

18 years ago
Rating calculations

Rating calculations That really works great, I am passing it to others who also help explain to vets the complexities of the VA rating math. Tha...

19 years ago
Agent Orange, White, Blue

Agent Orange, White, & Blue I am finishing a book that all Viet Nam vets should read concerning the effects and exposure to the various agents we...

19 years ago
164 photos

164 photos Sam, I think I have a few pix that you can use. I have quite a few slides. I won't be able to help out for a few days though. I...

21 years ago
Navy Presidential Unit Citation

Glad to finally see an awards section, thanks. Now my question is will there be postings of the various unit awards given to the various squadrons. I ...

21 years ago