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Joined: 2008-01-13 22:29
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2010 - Reno

Thank you for giving the membership a lot of time to prepare for the next reunion. Even though I personally would have preferred Seattle I think that...

16 years ago
Sgt Trinidad Cuevas, HMM-365 Vietnam

The funeral service for Trini will be held Saturday, September 13, 2008 at St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church in Temple City, CA. rather than thi...

16 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 2
Reunion 2010 in Seattle

Reunion 2010 in Seattle I want to make a pitch for Seattle to be the site of the next reunion. Here's some reasons why I think Seattle shoul...

16 years ago
A request from Michelle Lindsay

Here's a few pics that I took during the dinner. I took about a hundred photos but only about 30 are presentable. For more pics g...

16 years ago
HMM365 Vietnam at Reunion 2008

Speedy: We missed you. Since our reunion in 2006 we've lost Paul Maynard and Pete Quintero. We never know if we'll ever see each other again. ...

16 years ago
Where Reunion 2010?

The Association reunion planners should qualify for hazardous duty pay or at least get the Combat Action Ribbon for their work because no matter where...

16 years ago
HMM-365 at the Evening Parade

HMM-365 at the Evening Parade When this Marine jumped on the bus that we had chartered to take us to the Marine Barracks Evening Parade I h...

16 years ago
HMM365 at the Wall

HMM365 at the Wall Semper Fi, del Rosario HMM-365 Vietnam 1964-65

16 years ago
Reunion 2010

Reunion 2010 SEATTLE del Rosario HMM365 Vietnam 1964-65

16 years ago
Reunion 2010

Reunion 2010 I agree that we should rotate the region - east, middle, west. I also agree with those that would like to have the reunion held at ...

16 years ago
Replies: 22
Views: 2
Shuttle transportation

Shuttle transportation My apologies. I jumped the gun as far as posting about the shuttle service. HMM-365 has solved its own transportatio...

16 years ago
Airport - hotel shuttle

Airport - hotel shuttle HMM-365 has solved its transportation problem so please disregard any previous posts of mine concerning sharing squadron ...

16 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 2
PTSD/Agent Orange Workshops by HMM-365

PTSD/Agent Orange Workshops by HMM-365 Mariano Aguirre will be facilitating the PTSD and VA benefits workshop. del Rosario will be facilitat...

17 years ago
Changes in the Friday, August 15 schedule

Changes in the Friday, August 15 schedule Nothing has appeared in the official Popasmoke schedule of activities for 8/15/08. I have been informe...

17 years ago
Change in Friday, August 15, schedule

Change in Friday, August 15, schedule Popasmoke has changed their mind on the Friday, August 15 schedule. Instead of the originally posted s...

17 years ago
Marine Barracks evening parade

Marine Barracks evening parade Is the original Friday evening parade still on the reunion schedule? Is transportation still going to be prov...

17 years ago
17 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 4
Squadron hospitality room and HMM-365 reunion info

Squadron hospitality room and HMM-365 reunion info For the Reunion Coordinator - Is there a fee for the Squadron Hospitality Room at the Hil...

17 years ago
HMM-365 Reunion Coordinators, 2008

HMM-365 Reunion Coordinators, 2008 The HMM-365 Reunion 2008 Coordinators are Enrique del Rosario marinehelicopters@lycos.com Paul Thom...

17 years ago
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