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Joined: 2002-02-14 16:09
Topics: 0 / Replies: 9
MV-22 and HOT LZ's

jdullighan;17917 wrote: Eventually an interlock was installed to ensure that the system could not be engaged above 70 knots. But there's a way to che...

18 years ago
Herbert John Blaha

During the 1968-1969 time frame where you have HMH-462, I believe your Dad was the Executive Officer of Marine Air Group 36 at Phu Bai, Viet Nam. At ...

18 years ago
Try again

I recall the incident. What a lucky shot it must have been. Is that the day we had to lift out a downed Huey? I'm doing just fine.

18 years ago
HMH-462 Phu Bai

HMH-462 Phu Bai Some of us are still kicking. I remember that deployment well. It was a hot and dusty day when we arrived at Phu Bai the Sea. ...

18 years ago
accident info

Tom, I get the following when I use your link: Error: An unexpected error occurred: ORA-01403: no data found (WWV-16016) I'm really curio...

20 years ago
accident info

I've always been under the impression that military aircraft accident reports were privleged info and not releasable. I'd be surprised if someone cou...

20 years ago
accident info

Those H-53's were from MCAS New River. Good Luck on trying to get a copy of the accident report. I don't think FOIA will work in the case of an airc...

20 years ago
Yp 13

I was a member of HMM-163 until about October 1965 when the big pilot mix- master went on. Evil Eyes were not on HMM-163 aircraft at that time.

20 years ago
Question on the CH-46, 1968

Having flown paraops in an H-46 and having jumped out of a perfectly good one, I can attest that the ramp can be lowered in flight without structural ...

20 years ago