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Joined: 2006-03-19 13:59
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VA C P claim for Tinnitus

Hey Bro, I worked for a congressman for 8 years giving advice to veterans and helping them with their claims but I am not a VSO but I did know the bes...

18 years ago
VA C P claim for Tinnitus

Something sounds a little fishy. I am also a Legion member, actually a Past Commander and I had them appointed as my Power of Attorney while my claim...

18 years ago
VA C P claim for Tinnitus

With your service record showing you worked in and around noise of that nature it is hard to understand why you are being denied. I suggest working w...

18 years ago
Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust Well, the veterans lose again, so what else is new. Forgive me if I am pessimistic....................:(

18 years ago
Supreme Court update

Supreme Court update Here is the latest on what is happening on this issue in the Supreme Court. At least it is still alive.

18 years ago

Buyout I learned today that the Veterans Benefits Commission has rejected the idea of a buyout for the 10% and 20% disabled veterans. The inform...

18 years ago
Supreme Court Review

Supreme Court Review I saw Justice Ginsberg on TV this AM and she was not commenting on cases but she did say that they have about 100 cases to r...

18 years ago

Jim, At this point in the process, the congressional interest flag is not going to be helpful in my opinion. There are about 3000 of us nationwi...

18 years ago

Tinnitus I sent an e-mail to DAV regarding the future of this case and this is the response for those who are interested. It looks grim but like...

19 years ago

Tinnitus Moe, Well, I was wrong again. I thought maybe someone in the legal system would give a break to the vets and stand by us on what I...

19 years ago

moe1942 wrote: The Feds have rendered a decision in Smith vs Nicholson. Not sure what they said and all my sources are mum on the subject. I visit a s...

19 years ago
Tinnitus update

Tinnitus update Maybe we will see a ruling before the fourth. I will check often at the Federal Circuit for any new info.. Moe, Hope you ...

19 years ago

Tinnutis Yeah, I had already seen the DAV website info. I have serious doubts that the Supreme Court would be willing to take jurisdition of...

19 years ago

Tinnitus True words on the DD 214. There was a scare a while back that it was not safe to record your DD 214 with the County Recorder. I checke...

19 years ago

Appeal I was granted 10% for bi-lateral tinnitus in Nov 2001 after filing in Feb 2001. I also got 0% service connection for hearing loss. At tha...

19 years ago