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Al Chancey
Al Chancey
Active Member
Joined: 2001-08-25 16:48
Topics: 0 / Replies: 19
Super Gaggle

Super Gaggle Tom, I flew the Super Gaggle mission on a regular basis during the 45 days of it's existence. The narrative at the below url is my d...

15 years ago
Khe Sanh

Khe Sanh Excellent topic, Wally. As one of many pilots and crew members who flew into Khe Sanh on a daily basis during the 77 day siege it was my...

18 years ago
Al This trip courtesy of HMM 364 The Purple Foxes

Rick, It was a great honor to be accepted into the company of Khe Sanh survivors in D.C. I considered it a rare privilege to talk with you and others...

18 years ago
Chopper Down

Chopper Down Ray, the wording is still there. Before deploying, the HMM-364 metal shop solicited input from Vietnam era Purple Foxes to duplicate...

18 years ago
Phrog Down

Phrog Down For a complete casualty list, photos and narratives go to May God comfort these families and bless all those who serve in harm's wa...

18 years ago
Bureau Number 152573

Bureau Number 152573 Butch, is your HMM-364 friend perhaps John Labelle? John was crewing YK-16 on April 8, 1968 when it was severely damaged by...

18 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 2
Phu Bai 1967

Phu Bai 1967

19 years ago
CH-46 Halved

CH-46 Halved J D, it was a Navy bird at the time it was turned over to the museum. The Aviation Assistant Curator, James D'Angina, can give you t...

19 years ago
Squadron Roster

Squadron Roster Top A, Dothan is in the extreme southeast corner of Alabama--about 90 miles from the beautiful beaches of the Florida gulf coast....

20 years ago
Squadron Roster

Squadron Roster Write to: Commandant of the Marine Corps, Headquarters Marine Corps (MMSB), 2008 Elliot Road, Quantico, VA. 22134-5030. Ask for ...

20 years ago
bureau numbers from hmm263, h46's

I flew, and probably abused, 153368 and 153372 in Vietnam in 1967-68 flying with HMM-364 out of Phu Bai. They likely flew into the battle of Hue City ...

20 years ago
Help identify individual in photo [Shelby]?

Try the Vietnam Helicopter Pilot Association website. It's Army and has a KIA list and a message board. www.vhpa.org Good Luck

21 years ago
Give A Sh*t motto

The history of the phrase and it's use on squadron aircraft and patches is related on the Purple Fox Website at:

21 years ago
CH-46 Engine Intake Filters

CH-46 Engine Intake Filters I remember HMM-364 used the filters on our all-new CH-46D's in early 1968. Joe is right, there was no significant los...

21 years ago
Multiple Purple Hearts

Multiple Purple Hearts Does anyone remember what the official policy was for those who earned three Purple Hearts while serving in Vietnam? I see...

21 years ago
Khe Sanh Hills the Super Gaggle.'164

The "Super Gaggle" came into being in response to a resupply nightmare that was causing unacceptable casualties to aircrews and to grunts on the Khe ...

22 years ago