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11 Posts
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I was horrified to see veterans participating in the insurrection and attack on our nation's capitol. This is a clear violation of the oath of enlistment we all took. It is also contrary to everything our Association stands for.
It is therefore incumbent for all veterans organizations to govern themselves and remove those who participated in sedition.
This action is mandatory if you want to retain me in your organization.
Bill Kingston
HMM-263 '65-'66

Posted : 2021-01-13 04:23
Posts: 3133
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Those that were "active" participants were BLM and Antifa. No veterans in either group that I've ever seen. At least not dressed to identify as such. Some Trump supporters were there. but never saw any that damaged anything. Turns out that Many military s=active duty S/F were there on a covert mission..... I think we'll see and hear more on that very soon.
Stand by!
Joe Reed
HMM-165 1967-68

Posted : 2021-01-13 05:56
Posts: 4633
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Bill, I was horrified that Congress LET it happen. The head of the Capitol Police had requested backup before it all started but his bosses - the Sargent at Arms for the house and senate refused his request.
Just last summer downtown DC was on fire with looting mobs, the secret service put up a temporary 8 foot un-scalable fence around the Whitehouse. The Capitol grounds now have one. ????

Posted : 2021-01-14 03:08
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It is now almost two weeks since the assault on the Capitol Building. We have all seen the videos and read about the ongoing investigations. What actually did and did not happen has clarified.
Yes, sadly, there were many people wearing clothing proclaiming their military association. We know for a fact that the woman who was shot and killed while breaking in to the House of Representatives was an Air Force veteran. Other veterans were publicly identified in the media.
We also know that there was no involvement by BLM. BLM did have a peaceful demonstration last summer which was forcefully broken up by the military with tear gas so Trump could have a photo opportunity. There was no evidence of the assertions of widespread fires, etc. as reported by Fox News. The disparity between these two events is shameful.
The lack of response by police to the assault is an ongoing subject being investigated. -Another shameful aspect of the day.
It is now abundantly clear that the claims of voter fraud have no basis in fact and the participants who were arrested are all claiming that they were answering the plea of President Trump who was trying to get himself another term.

Bill Kingston
HMM-263 '65 - '66

Posted : 2021-01-18 11:41
Posts: 1551
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I thought that this forum is supposed to be non political?

Posted : 2021-01-19 03:46
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I agree. Veterans organizations should not be political. However, for many years too many of us have aligned ourselves with extremist right-wing philosophies and fake conspiracies.
I am advocating for this to stop.

Bill Kingston
HMM-263 '65-'66

Posted : 2021-01-19 11:36
Posts: 1551
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I respectfully disagree with you and will leave it up to our Admin

Posted : 2021-01-19 13:38
Posts: 4633
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I’ve copied the Terms of Agreement over from the old Notam Board.


Posted : 2021-01-20 02:56
Posts: 597
Admin Active Members

I've been remiss in answering Jardo's question about us being non-political-

As a 501(c)3 there are a number of IRS rules we have to comply with.
The basic one is we, as an Association, cannot endorse a political candidate either in word or financially support. We've also extended that to individual endorsements.

For me, we are not restricted to have a "discussion" concerning current/past events, which the sedition thread falls under. The "terms of use agreement" adequately spells out the rules of the road or for you aviators "Flight Rules."

Posted : 2021-01-26 14:41
Posts: 1551
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This is what we all agree to when we post on the forum
You agree, through your use of these public Forums, not to post any material which is unlawful, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, sexually orientated, abusive, hateful, harassing, threatening, harmful, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable.
I think the writer intended to inflame some of our members

Posted : 2021-01-27 03:37
Posts: 597
Admin Active Members

[postquote quote=2699]

May be so, but I don't want to go down the path that some social media outlets are doing.

If some post does "inflame" some of this group ity m ay be good- getting the blood flowing. πŸ™‚

Posted : 2021-01-27 03:45