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VMO-2 Mini reunion ...
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VMO-2 Mini reunion in Jacksonville NC

2 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 0
New Member

Just in case we missed any people in our e-mail campain and posting on the VMO-2 web site.

VMO-2 will be gathering at the Comfort Inn Suites May 7th through May10th

Friday will be a visit to the New River Airbase for a static display at MAG-29 and Friday night we will have NC style BBQ Dinner at the New River Marina

Posted : 2009-05-03 09:51
Posts: 0
New Member

Been looking for VMO-2

Dont know if any of these original VMO-2 folks are still around, sure hope so !! Have this photo from when we were first formed early 1951 & opened up LTA (MCAF Santa Ana). It was posted on HMH 463 regards the base history. Semper Fidelis Gy Moore (Dont know why cannot get the photo on here!)

Attached files

Posted : 2009-05-27 17:22