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Reunion 2004 Update...
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Reunion 2004 Update #4 21JUN 04

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 45
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Deadlocks and Hostages,

Only 14 days and a wake up to Reno. We have around 100 signed up (and paid) for the Friday dinner. There are another 26 who are on the VMO-2 list but have not indicated yes or no on the dinner. I will be attempting to contact each of those folks so we can get a final dinner count to the hotel by 7/5.

The Friday VMO-2 Dinner will start with a cash bar at 1730 followed by dinner at 1830. We will be finished by 2030. The location will be announced when the hotel tells us the room. Dress for the Friday dinner is Western attire or some semblance there of.

Everyone will get a handout sheet when you pick up your registration package at the VMO-2 check in that will have the Hospitality Suite room number and operating hours as well as any other info we think you might need. The Suite is supposed to be able to accommodate 75 - 100 people. Lets hope we have enough room. We will also have a hooch area on the Pavilion floor for use during the day. Look for the VMO-2 banner. The Pavilion hooch will be shutdown at 1500 on Thursday for the Welcome Aboard Reception as well as Saturday at 1500 so the area can be prepared for the evenings dinner and festivities. The Hospitality suite will have refreshments and coffee for all VMO-2 attendees and is being operated by Hostage BEAR and ARM.

We will keep a NOTAM Board at the hospitality suite for hook-ups, Fire missions and other announcements.

We are still looking for volunteers to assist with the registration desk as well as the hooch and hospitality room. Check with the folks at our desk if you want to help.

To quote Tom's (Hewes) Uniform Reg's for Saturday Dinner, "The dress is Vietnam casual (that's like anything that covers the body, including shorts and Ho Chi Minh sandles)".

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: We have arranged with a group in Carson City to make a road trip on Saturday to view a German OV-10B as well as a T-28, F-86 and maybe a L-19. The Bronco is owned and operated by OV-10 Bronco Association member Rick Clemens and his Cactus Air Force crew that should be in the air by the end of July. Rick will also have some of his Vietnam era vehicles on display. Current plans are to leave the hotel at 0900 and be back at the hotel around 1400. We will find a place in CC to have lunch. If you are interested let us know so we can have appropriate transportation available. Also if you will have a car and are willing to drive let us know. If there are a large number who want to go to Carson City we will arrange a bus.

Semper Fi
Hostage IGOR ccburin14@msn.com 952-454-7113
Hostage ARM roypitt@aol.com 903-792-3290

Hostage IGOR

Posted : 2004-06-22 15:37