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help with life changing events

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I'm Kenneth Belvin and I'm Looking for help with my VA-claim there are several memories i'm trying to uncover the first is a UH-1 between sep of 1969 and nov. our sister ship carried us to safety but we had to auto rotate for a hard landing any info will be greatly appriciated. The next was the airfield and the hospital. MAG-16 parking mat, where they destroyed & damaged helicopters Raiders also got into the hospital across the road from my hooch and did considerable damage. all I remember is running to help thoes who were able to walk and carried out others the sight has been haunting me for 30 years and my wife said its time to deal with this. The third event was the crash of Toby Gritz and 3 others on07-03-25 I was in charge of recovering the personal effects of the pilots and securing thoes effects for a day until they could be sent forward. all I can remember was the smell the next day please help me get this smell out of my mind by verfying this detail and helping me put this to rest. Thanks kenneth.belvin@us.army.mil

Posted : 2005-11-30 18:56