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WV Doc Speaks To Co...
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WV Doc Speaks To Congress Re PTSD

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Interesting article, especially for rural veterans.

WV doctor testifies to Congress about PTSD

By Scott Finn
Listen Now (3:37 )
WV Morning Logo
July 24, 2008

The war in Iraq has raged for five years – the war in Afghanistan even longer. And more than ever before, the battles are being fought, not just by full-time, active duty military, but by the National Guard and Reserves.

On Thursday, a researcher from West Virginia University testified to Congress about the impact on these citizen-soldiers. They have high rates of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, especially in rural areas. But almost half of the veterans who need help aren’t getting it.

Dr. Joseph Scotti told the Senate Veterans Affairs committee about a survey of hundreds of West Virginia guard members, sponsored by the state Legislature.

He discovered that members of the National Guard experienced the horrors of war just as much as full-time soldiers, sailors and marines.

Entire article here;

Posted : 2008-07-25 13:07