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Wounded Warrior Act
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Wounded Warrior Act

2 Posts
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walter wise
Posts: 4
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The "Wounded Warrior Act", which is offically know as the National Defense Act of 2008 (NDAA), was designed to help our disabled US Combat Veterans.
The NDAA was passed almost unanymously in both houses of Congress.
This intent of this legisaltion was to make it easier and quicker for our Combat Veterans to receive help (& financial compensation) for PTSD, TBI, and other combat related injuries. The fact that both houses of Congress passed this bill with only a few dissenting votes is admirable.

Now, however, the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
has essentially "gutted" this legislation by issuing a "directive-type memorandum in which he draws a distinction between "combat related operations" and "combat related disability." See statement of Kerry Baker,
Associate National Legislative Director of the DAV for the full text.

Knowing full-well that POPASMOKE does not become involved in political issues, I would still ask you to contact anyone that you can in order
to get to help remedy this injustice.

Walt Wise

Posted : 2008-11-29 14:40
Posts: 592
Admin Active Members

Link to Kerry Baker's congressional testimony below.


Also, here's a good link to utilize to contact elected representatives for any reason.


Posted : 2008-11-30 14:40