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Ray Norton
Posts: 322
Reputable Member
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Seeking advice:

It looks like I am headed for hearing aids. My civilian doc has tested me. He tells me I don't hear very well.

With his guidance I have adapted by reading lips and using an amplifier on my telephone handset. However, in church today I came to admit that the volume is OK but the amplified sound comes through as "You were garbled. Say again?" This might not be a bad thing as I missed the sermon. However, I would like to at least hear the announcements! I would also like to hear and understand the car radio, TV, train whistle, etc.

In short, do hearing aids really help? If the VA agrees to provide them, is that the best source?



Raymond J. Norton

1513 Bordeaux Place

Norfolk, VA 23509-1313

(757) 623-1644

Posted : 2008-03-09 21:43
Posts: 592
Honorable Member

Hearing aids


I was tested at the VA a couple of weeks ago. They agreed that I had a significant hearing loss - but they could not help me as I was not service connected for hearing loss. I am having the DAV work on that right now. If I was service connected - no problem.

Posted : 2008-03-09 21:58
Posts: 3125
Active Members

Not service connected?

I thought ANY helicopter aircrewman was covered for hearing loss. Not so?? I have Tinnitus associated with hearing loss, although I have yet to file a claim, I understand it was supposed to be a slam dunk....such as they are with the V.A.
Missed you in Daytona this week....

Posted : 2008-03-10 06:14
Posts: 0
New Member

Hearing Aids

I have been using VA supplied hearing aids for the last 3 years and yes they do help. When I got out in 71 some corpsman luckily wrote down I had hearing loss in my right ear. Well, these many years later and with a year or so of convincing the VA since both ears are attached to the same head (sort of ) that I should be able to count the hearing loss I had in both ears. After a couple of Drs. visits where they always asked----were you exposed to any loud noises---- they agreed and furnished hearing aids. They take some getting used to though. The main benefit is my wife says I don't talk as loud with them in my ears. Here in Bakersfield we have a really good Audiologist. I will say that of all the places I went to get my ears check he is the only one that even looked in my ears. Also, seems to me the test used today are the same tests used 40+ years ago. Seem they should be able to improve on it somehow.

Posted : 2008-03-11 10:37
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

Having had the testing done by both the VA and the CivDiv guys, the results are the same. The worm in the ointment is that the VA has to admit to your tinnitus and service connect it, then it':Ds clear sailing for some really neat stuff...they tell me I'll be able to hear my wife AND the preacher again...but only after the VA verifies my tinitus.


Posted : 2008-03-15 08:54