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Veteran's prefe...
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Veteran's preference points

5 Posts
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Posts: 189
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Anybody have any input on this subject?

When I went to the VA in late '97 and explained that my son and I needed assistance and asked for help in getting a job, the counselors just stared at me.
As recently as this spring, when I directly inquired of a state VA counselor about widow's preference points, I was told that the veteran's death must be service-connected for this to apply. By this time, I had learned to never ask question I didn't already have the answer to handy.

Since my husband served in combat, I, as his widow, was entitled to utilize his preference points for state or federal jobs.....in theory that is. So far, in spite of having a higher education and considerable job skills, I have yet to get my foot in the door. "Vacancy was pulled that same day it was posted because someone wants to move back to this area and they have 10 yrs experience at this entry level opening and their husband once worked down here so even though you are more qualified......" Fill in the blanks, what are you going to do about it.

Since the VA kept his service files from us until congressional pressure was applied, they have consistently denied service-connection for his death in spite of irrefutable evidence and the weight of federal code being on our side.

I never dreamed I would have to seek assistance from them, but if I hadn't, I would never have believed the deliberateness with which legitimate claims are routinely denied. Nice to know.

If any of you have any input about this, please let me know.

Posted : 2005-08-02 17:16
Posts: 1
New Member

As a 70% disabled vet and a 10 point preference, I have applied for almost 100 federal jobs with NO success. I have come to the conclusion that vet preference means nothing. I have even written my congressman who investigated and OPM sent me a 2 page letter explaining that though vet preference may give you added consideration for a job...they can pretty much hire who they want. For every rule there's some obscure reference that contains a way around hiring vets.

I will continue to apply for everything I am qualified for, but have little faith that unless I am very lucky...I don't think it's going to work out. Good luck and if you figure out how to crack the system let us know.

Posted : 2005-08-16 08:25
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

Just got this in from the VA, Hope it helps someone

VA Announces New Survivor Benefits Web Site

WASHINGTON (September 13, 2005) - The Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) has created a new Internet Web site for the surviving spouses and
dependents of military personnel who died on active duty and for the
survivors and dependents of veterans who died after leaving the

"One of VA's basic missions is to care for the survivors of veterans and
military members," said the Honorable R. James Nicholson, Secretary of
Veterans Affairs. "By harnessing the power of the Internet, we can
provide them with the latest information about benefits in a clear,
readable format."

The Web site is organized into two broad categories - death in service
and death after service. It provides visitors with information about a
wide range of benefits for the surviving spouse, dependent children, and
dependent parents of deceased veterans and active-duty personnel.

The site also has information from -- and links to -- other federal
agencies and organizations that offer benefits and services to survivors
and dependents.

The new website can be found at www.vba.va.gov/survivors or by clicking
the "Survivors Benefits" button on the left panel of www.vba.va.gov

Ed Alexander

Posted : 2005-09-15 21:05
Posts: 118
Estimable Member

Dependent Benefits

ED, thanks for the references, I went to the web site & gained a lot of information for my wife, if I should die before her. Very informative & enlighting. Keep up the good work........ Mack - VMO-6

**GySgt [J.D.] MACK McKernan {Retired}**

{VMO-6, Quang Tri} **{Mar69-Mar70}**πŸ™‚

Posted : 2005-09-20 21:58
Posts: 189
Reputable Member
Topic starter


Pardon me if I am skeptical, I kinda agree with Spin Boy.

The language in there would make an attorney salivate as there are so many loopholes; specifically a word like "certain" that is subject to interpretation and spin. Guess it depends on what your definition of "is" is.

Stll it cannot hurt for veterans to check this stuff out well before they need it in the hopes of meeting deadlines and acquiring documentation.

Thanks for the input.

Posted : 2005-09-26 09:57