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Veteran's Organizations Lose Voice

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From Paul Moore pm3777:

Check out Veteran's Organizations Lose Voice

Click here: Veteran's Organizations Lose Voice This is ridicules. Hope you will post this so our members may use the forms to express their position to their Congressmen.

Thanks, SF Paul Moore

Posted : 2005-11-26 14:36
Posts: 189
Reputable Member

service organizations

I don't know how it works in other states, but in Louisiana, when the state VA is used as to assist veteran or family, you are asked to "choose" a service organization to represent you and led to believe that you must do so to ensure decent service. When asked what they will do and who the service officer assisting you will be, the state benefits' counselor replies that they are the service officer for the organization and that they help through their duties as a state employee.

What I have discovered is that in my husband's case, he chose American Legion as his organization in '75, and I unwittingly chose them again in '84 and in '98. He had used the same state office that I went into, yet they never told me that he had been there or filed a claim. Additionally, the info and guidance that they provided was non-existant, in fact, the "officers" either were incompetent or deliberately gave me misinformation, one or the other. Only after I read Title 38 and the corresponding CFR did I realize the extent of their malfeasance. These individuals were apparently rewarded for their actions by promotions.

My attempt to gain assistance from the AL at the state level prompted a letter informing me that my attempt to seek justice in this matter for my deceased husband was a personal matter and that I shouldn't contact them again in spite of my having given them power of attorney in 1998 to act on our behalf. Perhaps the organizations' loss of voice is well deserved.

I find it amazing that the AL and the VFW never hesitated to ask my father for favors when he was alive and now have failed miserably in their task to my husband while he was alive, and his family when he was dead. Their organizations logos and names should not appear on government documents, nor should the state or federal employess be simultaneously service officers representing claimants to the VA at the state or federal level. These fails to inspire national loyalty and we are seeing the results of this now.

Posted : 2006-12-13 14:51
Posts: 90
Trusted Member

Educate Yourself

Unfortunately many seeking medical care do not educate themselves, as I have done in the past, which is just something we all have to do these days. Even something as simple as going to the doctor for a minor problem. I advice everyone to educate themselves for all their medical care, no matter what your problem is. Now I do not depend solely on physicans, organizations, etc. to educate myself on what my medical needs and benefits are. I first found out about PTSD from medical journals at a univesity library and read up on it, many years ago now, and it helped me tremendously. I go to the VA, but I read up, or study online, on my medical problems ahead of time and ask a lot of questions when I am speaking with any medical professional, organization, etc. to make sure I am diagnosed properly and get the proper treatment or surgery. Most of the time they appreciate my knowledge of the problem and can help me more effectively. It really helps to know as much as you can about health issues and it is a life long study for our life.

Posted : 2006-12-23 08:24
Posts: 189
Reputable Member


Yesterday would have been my husband's 64th birthday. He suicided in August of '83, the day before his 3rd appointment at the VA Outpatient Clinic with a social worker out of school for 10 months. This after being hospitalized 2x in the prior 2 months. And he was lucky to get in that quickly.

Last week, I found myself on the phone screaming at a State VA benefits counselor and American Legion representative who lied to me and about me as we try to resolve the complete and utter failure on the part of the State and Federal VA as well as the American Legion service officer (one and the same as the State benefits counselor here) that led to my husband's untimely death. This man didn't know his job, the current or past regulations, is hardly in the office, is a liar and a cheat with an expense account from both the State and AL, and judging from his immense girth, he uses both regularly.

Then when caught at it, he lies like the weasel he is. This is what happens to the Vets in my state. People like this lied and T died. He fought for their right to get government jobs with great benefits and retirement who work ceaselessly to deprive the combat vet of their promised care while he and his family were left to scrounge and scratch out what they could find.

I miss my husband. I miss my friend. I have done my best to harp on the matter of Veterans mistreatment, AO and pesticides, and mold toxins (6 yrs) for the last 22 year, especially the last 10 on Vets' issues, as relentlessly as I could, until the few people I actually had regular contact with either took it seriously and checked it out for themselves or told me to shove off with me going willingly. I will no longer tolerate the company of weak and idle people who have neither the courage or conviction to speak up against wrong or the intelligence to investigate it for themselves.

I am sorry I didn't realize that I could wield my communication skills so effectively much sooner. I had some contacts, but my own self-esteem was pretty low after what happened. I won't let it happen again. Y'all deserve the best.

Posted : 2007-03-06 12:06
Posts: 189
Reputable Member

National AL

Just a note to say that I have had some dealing with American Legion at the National Office and the attention and service are significantly better, not to mention punctuality, competence, skill, compassion, courtesy, and integrity. Maybe it is just this state office. We shall see.

Posted : 2007-06-15 05:25
Posts: 115
Estimable Member

In Texas, each county has a Veterans Service Office.
The best I have found is the Wise County Veterans Service Office in Decatur, Laura Spain
You don't have to live in Wise County to use them

Posted : 2016-05-20 09:22
Posts: 189
Reputable Member

Just taken a figurative beating in Livingston Parish, Louisiana, for the last few years.

Exhausted me mentally, physically, emotionally and financially. Has spun off several "issues" that need serious advocacy and scrutiny.

And it's why radio silence from me.

And, one of the issues has to do with the appalling condition of American Legion's presence in that community. I sent pics to the defunct but not decommissioned AL building there to an at large member.

Posted : 2016-07-25 09:24
Posts: 4567
Active Members

I wish you luck, and peace.

Posted : 2016-07-26 07:36