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Veterans Need Lawye...
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Veterans Need Lawyers?

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What our soldiers really need: Lawyers

You’ve heard the stories of injured troops suffering unconscionable indignities and sub par care upon returning from the battlefields of Iraq. What you may not know, though, is that these same soldiers have no recourse when negligence maims or even kills them. Servicemembers have no voice in a court of law.
By Jonathan Turley

The president and Congress have been falling over themselves to pledge better care for our wounded veterans in the wake of the scandal over "squalid" conditions at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center that included mold, rats, cockroaches, rotting walls and callous treatment of patients....

Entire story at

Posted : 2007-04-12 08:28
Posts: 1
New Member


Yes, I agree with you, tho also agree that it is unfortunate that we have to hire a lawyer to get our rights. Isnt it Ironic that we Veterans, who fought for rights of others, (including to the right to legal representation), do, somehow, not deserve a lawyer? Did we fight for the rights of civilians only, and then Vets are denied those rights.
Although I like the DAV in many ways, they are in part to blame for us not gettting lawyers. Their position is that we dont need them..we have the DAV. Of course, there are many DAV Service Reps that do a good job..but we are not marrying them folks! If they cant get it done, we have a right to get someone who can. What is not clear to me is how the DAV is representing VETS on this position..or are they representing their own jobs out of fear that Vets will turn to lawyers? I dont blame em for wanting to keep their job, but, if they would have been doing their job, then I wouldnt be waiting for over 5 years from a decision from the VA Regional Office in Cleveland.
The DAV is saying, "business as usual", while we Vets are saying, bull..to that.

Posted : 2007-11-05 08:04
Posts: 2
New Member

claims five years old

This info came straight from a regional office counseler, I happened to end up with a good one on the phone and had a claim just denied. I was told within 1 or 2 days reply and tell them you have some more info to send in on that claim and to stay away using the words appeal of dissagree. and appeal can cost you 3 years and more info on about 90 daysThe DAV Will as they say keep them in the loop, but I would just send straight to the regional office. I had a case that had been denied and a couselor told me to write letter dropping the appeal and to consider this furthur info. The case was approved within 30 days. When you get aclaim denied always read with a fine tooth comb why you were denied. I like the DAV but there are people out there that are retired Regional Office employees Im retired from the Veterans Adminstration. search out these people that know the ropes to help you. There are some very good people at these regional offices and also in the DVA but you need to talk to people who really understand the system for good advise Thanks for listening and hopully you may see there are different approaches

Posted : 2007-11-06 06:38