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Veteran Status Information <www.air-america.org>

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Veteran Status Information <www.air-america.org>

The group Application for veteran service has been accepted for

A notice has been placed in the Federal Register. You can access the notice at this web site:


The title is restricted more than desired, but all that could be
supported with the evidence available. The notice grants 60 days to receive documents as evidence to support the claims for veteran service eligibility. Any person, including former employees, whether U.S. Citizen or foreign national, who has evidence to support the laim that CAT/Air America employees, whether foreign or U.S. Citizens, supported the United States Military between 1950 and 1976 are encouraged to do so before the 60 day period elapses. The documents may be in the form of old schedules, or eye witness accounts on notarized letters. The address is on the notice. Information has been received to strongly indicate that veteran service and civil service retirement are two separate issues and acceptance of one would not effect the other.
Further information can be obtained through Allen Cates at

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-12-17 16:20