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VAH Issue

7 Posts
4 Users
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Looking for a form and /or letter to send to to the VAH in regards to there lack of service.
I have moved from one VAH area to another and have been trying to get an appointment for over 6 months,they have just canceled my last appointment
and reset till mid May.
I'm rated 80% disabled with a heart condition and about to run out of meds. 😑

Posted : 2008-03-01 05:30
Posts: 4415
Famed Member

appylon there has to be a VA clinic somewhere near you. Get to the clinic insist on seeing a Dr. and tell him your situation. They can access your records through their computer using your last four SS#'s and get your meds coming to you. I hope this helps.

Posted : 2008-03-01 18:34
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timothy;21190 wrote: appylon there has to be a VA clinic somewhere near you. Get to the clinic insist on seeing a Dr. and tell him your situation. They can access your records through their computer using your last four SS#'s and get your meds coming to you. I hope this helps.

I live 35 miles from ABQ, NM. That is the ONLY Hosp. or clinic within a 100 + miles. "records through their computer" Nope ,my many years in the VAH
computer from where I moved from (Calif.) did not show up in the NM VAH
computer. I had to drive into ABQ. and fill out all new info. they wouldn't
even accept my VAH issued ID.

Posted : 2008-03-01 23:54
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appylon;21192 wrote: I live 35 miles from ABQ, NM. That is the ONLY Hosp. or clinic within a 100 + miles. "records through their computer" Nope ,my many years in the VAH
computer from where I moved from (Calif.) did not show up in the NM VAH
computer. I had to drive into ABQ. and fill out all new info. they wouldn't
even accept my VAH issued ID.

Bump... No one has a form or letter ????

Posted : 2008-03-06 17:44
Posts: 592
Honorable Member

Form Letter

I would recommend that you contact your local DAV Rep and have them work it for you. They are fairly good working with the VA.

Posted : 2008-03-06 19:04
Posts: 44
Eminent Member

Go to the New VAH emergency room. Take your meds with you. This will probably get you into their system.


Posted : 2008-03-07 07:00
Posts: 4
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kdlogue;21215 wrote: Go to the New VAH emergency room. Take your meds with you. This will probably get you into their system.


More than likely this is what i will have to do ,just another day wasted and still no apt. πŸ™

Posted : 2008-03-08 02:46