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VA secretary to weigh in on health-care overhaul plans

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Veterans Affairs Secretary Anthony Principi suggested Wednesday that he may change some recommendations for major facilities that a commission is finalizing as part of an overhaul of the agency’s health care system.
Principi has said he would either accept or reject the commission’s report that is due by the end of the year. But on Wednesday, after meeting with New England lawmakers, he indicated he may weigh in on specific recommendations about which he has questions.

“If there are facilities I have a question about, I will meet with commission members, explain my concerns on whether it is appropriate to close this facility or change the mission of this facility, and then I will come to some final decision,” the secretary said.

The VA last year treated some 4 million patients at its 181 major health care delivery locations. Under a draft plan for a 20-year transformation of those facilities, some seven hospitals would close, new hospitals would open in Las Vegas and in Orlando, Fla., and other facilities would be assigned reduced or added medical missions.

As with base closings, lawmakers do not want to see facilities in their states or districts shut down.

Principi said there are many aging, costly facilities around the country and that money saved by closing one can pay to expand services for veterans in need.

Rep. John Tierney, D-Mass., who organized the meeting, said he is glad to hear that Principi will be open to hearing their concerns about the changes.

October 02, 2003

By Lolita C. Baldor
Associated Press

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-10-02 19:36
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Veteran's Radio

On October 18 at 1400 hrs est. Dennis Freytes will be my special guest on the Mike Conners Show. Mr Freytes will be meeting with Veterans Affairs Secretary Anthony Principi in the very near future and would like your imput. We should all listen to this man and give him as much imput AND FEEDBACK as possible. He is out there working hard for all of us. Listen to the show and give him a call.
Let our voices be heard.
the show link is

Posted : 2003-10-15 03:11