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Va Not All Bad

17 Posts
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We all have said a lot of derogatory things about the Va in the past. Well I have some good things to say.

Years ago I tried to get help from the VA for a variety of things (early 70's) and got nowhere and gave up in disgust.

A little less than 2 years ago, with a back that was quickly going to hell in a hand basket and a few other problems I went back to VA for help and have been pleasantly surprised.

I am now 100% permanantly and totally disabled after a couple of appeals and the medical care I have been given has been excellant for the most part.

I recently applied for vocational rehab and they entered me into a program called independant living. I asked for a computer and after a visit to my house got my computer plus, on their recommendation, am getting a lot more.

If anybody out there is 100 % and not going through this program get in touch with me and I will be more than happy to help you through the process. It's amazing what they will do to make your life easier and to try to keep you productive. They are telling me it is an ongoing program that they will adjust as you age and your circumstances change.

Other people have told me it's not the same in their area, but the Little Rock, AR regional office and Medical center have treated me with respect and dignity.

Semper Fi

John Allison

PS; I thank Frenchy LaFontaine for pointing me in the right direction.

Posted : 2003-08-23 06:56
Posts: 56
Trusted Member

As I have said, in other times and other places,:) , the VA in the last few years has seemed to come around and realize it is supposed to HELP a vet, not protect the Government.

I know a few years ago it would take as much as two years to get a determination from the VA, and that was with a fight all the way.

Most guys I talk to now seem to be able to go through the process in about 6 months, on the average.

Maybe we all have those that had to "fight for our rights" to thank for opening some eyes and making those "small minds" within the VA to realize what the real world is about.

Oh boy! More Ham 'n Muthas

Posted : 2003-08-23 23:44
Posts: 4
New Member

va not all bad

I agree the VA is not all bad. I've been going through the system for about a year, it's definitly taking more than six months.
However the people that I have dealt with have been great and even the Doctors I have talked to agree with me about the cause of my back and neck problems. Dave Barker a VSO here in southeast Ohio has been very helpful. You have to remember they are working inside of the same system that restricts every thing to a crawl.:cool:

Posted : 2003-08-26 21:05
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

Roger that. I filed in 1974 and today I got my "OK" from VA! Now this was from the last time that I objected from their ruling last summer. I had a hearing in Wiston-Salem and now I have been accepted. Now to the hospital for work on the case.
Seems Va has improved its care to the vet.
Semper Fi,

"Life is tough. It's a lot tougher if your stupid." Sgt Stryker,"Sands of Iwo Jima"

Posted : 2003-12-22 17:05
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

latest on the VA's attitude

I just refiled going for 100% this time. I am at a point where the 100% isn't a may be but an as it is. They are suppose to be "more veteran friendly" we'll see. I will post a note and let everyone know how things go on refilings as soon as I get a reply from them.

Update 03/18/05 I now have more psyciatric results from non VA doctors all rating me as "Unemployable - 100% Disabled" the VA came up with 30%! Now the catch, ready for this one? I doubt you'd guess this one. It seems I have had a mircale healing, after fourty years of deterioration in the condition of my leg. They poposed cutting back my disability for the loss of use of my leg. Not all of it, just enough so they can keep from getting squeezed into haveing to classify me "Unemployable." We're not done yet...

James Mansfield

HMM-163 1962

Posted : 2004-06-27 08:54
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

Thanks Jim ... I'll be watch also!

"Life is tough. It's a lot tougher if your stupid." Sgt Stryker,"Sands of Iwo Jima"

Posted : 2004-06-27 13:19
Posts: 118
Estimable Member

VA Not bad at alll~!

In April of 2003 I went in for a angiogram
& it was determined that I had two veins in my heart 89% & 92% blockage. I had surgury, when they opened me up they found my arota valve was defective & replaced it with a plastic one. I was kept unconscious for 47 days, body shut down twice & they wanted to "pull the plug", my wife said NO, that I was a Marine & had more years to live. She transferred me to the Jerry L Pettis Hospital in Loma Linda, there I immediately started to improve, Daily, I was fed, bathed, cared for, bandages changed on time & repeatedly checked on. Went through rehab for five months & then sent home with a wheelchair, walker & a home inspection for "anything" I needed. My sincere "THANKS" to the Doctors, Nurses & Physical Therapy's that attended to my needs at the Jerry L. Pettis VA Hospital.

**GySgt [J.D.] MACK McKernan {Retired}**

{VMO-6, Quang Tri} **{Mar69-Mar70}**🙂

Posted : 2004-06-27 16:10
Posts: 90
Trusted Member

Medical Improvement

I worked for the VA for about 5 years and I saw some improvements during that time. I think their is a trend throughout the medical field to tighten up on patient care. There have been significant changes, most from the Joint Commission Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, JCAHO. They are now concerned and following through with direct patient care and how the patient is treated from the time they enter into a facility until they leave, with followup involved in that. I think this has most facilities on their toes a little more. I now work at DeWitt Army Community Hospital and we just had JCAHO here, we passed with flying colors, but that does not mean we are a superior facility by any stretch of the imagination.

Having said all this, I still think there is a long road ahead for improvements. I only wish our governement would take more money and put it toward the veterans and give them more of what they deserve for serving their country.

Posted : 2004-06-28 07:24
Posts: 4415
Famed Member


My experience with the VA has been nothing but positive. If there's anybody out there that thinks they need help go to them. They seem to bend over backwards for the Vietnam Veteran.
Tim McMahon HMM-262 65-67

Posted : 2004-07-03 20:49
Bill Weaver
Posts: 33
Eminent Member


How long have some of you waited for the DFAS to come through with the Combat Related pay?
I received my letter from the Navy Department dated March 10, 2004 and have called DFAS a couple of times, getting what sounds suspiciously like a runaround. If this is the length of time it takes, I'm OK with that, just don't want to get a dog & pony show.
Semper Fi
Bill Weaver

Posted : 2004-07-04 17:09
Posts: 0
New Member

Wait period

Bill took mine about 4 months and I was one of the first in. I also included the computer print out from the VA which helped expedite the process. They had to obtain that for those that did not do that & they did not require that in their application. Recived two letters first said my application was being reviewed, month later recieved a letter saying would recieve the pay within 90 days retroactive to the June 03 date. Good Luck. SF PM

Posted : 2004-07-05 00:33
Posts: 4415
Famed Member


I don't know what DFAS stands for, but I put a claim in to the VA for service related problems and got a settlement within 6 months.

Posted : 2004-07-05 07:52
Posts: 1030
Noble Member

It took my friend Lloyd Karr all most a year before he got it . He was getting the concurrent recipient and when they approveved Combat related they took out what he had recived for concurrent recipient and he received the rest from 1 June last year. SF

Posted : 2004-07-05 15:03
Posts: 896
Prominent Member



Defense Finance Accounting System


George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2004-07-05 15:54
Posts: 896
Prominent Member

Frequently Asked Questions Combat-Related Special Compensation Program



Combat-Related Special Compensation Program

Do all retirees with a combat-related disability qualify?
I have a disability retirement from my Military Service, but I have not applied for a VA disability rating. Would I qualify for the new compensation?
I have a Purple Heart for a combat wound but I have a VA disability that is not combat-related. Do I qualify?
I don't have a Purple Heart but I have a VA disability rating of 60 percent. However, only 30 percent is combat-related. Do I qualify?
Where can I receive an application and help in completing it?
What documentation will I need?
What if I don't have the required documentation?
How will I be notified of the decision?
How will I be paid?
Will the pay be retroactive?
Is the compensation taxable?

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2004-07-05 16:09
Top A
Posts: 73
Trusted Member

For those who got things done in less than a year great. I talked to them and was told 12-18 months to do anything on any claim. I have had nothing but NEGaTIVE with contact from VA. ie arating exam sent to hopital 130 miles away vice one that was 80 miles or a military one 45 miles, numerous emails, etc got NO repeat NO response.

top A

Posted : 2004-07-05 19:39
john a oubre
Posts: 14
Active Member

The VA has treated me very well. My initial claim took about a year and my appeal about 18 months, but this was 5 years ago. I am now 90% with unsuitabilty for employement. I did volunteer work for the Orlando Vet Center for several years and the counselors there were very dedicated. They were very instrumental in getting Vets good ratings for PTSD. If you need help with a PTSD claim, check out your local Veterans Outreach Center.

Posted : 2004-07-11 19:37