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VA Diabetes Award T...
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VA Diabetes Award Type II (Retiree)

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I had posted in March, about VA Diabetes claim. I was surprised yesterday to find a letter from the Waco Texas VA Medical Center.
I was granted 40% disability for several problems. They rated
my Respiratory problems as 30%, Type II Diabetes with Peripheral neuropathy bilateral feet and legs. Pending on hands and arms. High freq hearing loss rated as 0% because I was still
able to work. Shrapnel pieces in legs were rated 0%, and they deferred the VA finding of arterioscrlosis of right lower extremity
pending VA vasscular Clinic. Today, received letter from VA Hospital in Dallas assigning me a Dr and appointment to have this problem tested. General comments on award letter was to hint that because i was still able to do some work, that percentages were lower, Suggested that as soon as I was unemployed or became unemployable hen to refile for another evaluation.

My Father a Retired Marine M/Sgt veteran of Pearl Harbor, Korea, and recalled to Vietnam; died on Thanksgiving day 1992 with the effects of agent orange and diabetes and peripheral neuropathey.
My mother recently filed for widows benifits for this and was awarded a monthlly check. It took about 10 months for this to process.

But on those of us that are retired military, it does not really hekp except for tax free. Concurrant receipt needs to be passed. I find it very strange and hard to believe that our Commander in Chief has pubically stated he did not believe in this program, and that he would veto. I am glad he can't tel me how to vote this coming election. It sure won't be for Him.

Posted : 2003-07-19 21:55
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I had posted this earlier and it might be of some interest to you.

Just found this on DAV's Website.

Action Alert

Update on Special Compensation for Combat Disabled Veterans Enacted
May 9, 2003

The DAV and other veterans and military service organization representatives recently met with Department of Defense (DoD) officials regarding the final regulations and application process for Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC). Application forms are expected to be released by the end of May. DoD will have a web site available for the downloading of forms; the web site will also provide complete instructions on how to apply. The web site address is www.dmdc.osd.mil/crsc.

Though nothing official has been signed into regulation, DoD did offer some insight regarding what will likely become CRSC policy:

Each military department will establish review boards to adjudicate CRSC claims for retirees (with at least 20 years of active service) who have disabilities rated by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Disability ratings associated with the Purple Heart Medal must be rated 10% or higher. VA disability ratings for injuries or illnesses not associated with a Purple Heart must be rated 60% or higher, and an established relationship to combat or military operations must also be shown by evidence.

Appeals to undesirable decisions may be made to the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Claims may be expedited by including copies of supporting documents with the application. Original forms should not be used; copies do not need to be certified.

DoD is asking claimants not to request supporting documents from the National Personnel Records Center or the VA. Special arrangements have been made by DoD to obtain records on an expedited basis.

CRSC benefits will be retroactive to June 1, 2003, provided the qualifying disability was rated by teh VA on or before that date.

CRSC will be tax free.

CRSC will be available for conditions considered by VA to be presumptively service connected. Presumptive conditions include tropical diseases, prisoner-of-war related diseases, and disease associated with exposure to herbicide agents. PTSD will also be considered as a qualifying criteria for CRSC.

Semper Fi


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Maybe you should go ahead and file for an increase and check and see if you have Tinnitus which is an automatic 10 % and almost everybody associated with helicopters has it. Also with your still pending claims you'll probably qualify.

Semper Fi


Posted : 2003-07-20 12:57
SJ 6869
Posts: 4
New Member

Copies of your individual flight logs will be a big help in closing the "creditabilty gap"...You can also write to the VA office that is supposed to be holding your records and ask them for a copy of your "award letter" if you don't have it. Will also be a great help and cut down the waiting time...

Semper Fi...Barry

Posted : 2003-07-29 15:37