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Va Benefit Compensa...
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Va Benefit Compensation

2 Posts
2 Users
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Has anybody ever had to go to an "informal" hearing before the VA decided your percentage for disability? I got a letter saying I have to attend an informal hearing in Winston-Salem and was wondering what to expect. What additional information should I bring/are they looking for?


Posted : 2004-07-22 05:20
Posts: 49
Eminent Member

nchanson, looking at the date of your post its a done deal by now. For the benefit of others I will relate my recent experience at a hearing in New Orleans.

Dress is casual. A rep,mine was affiliated with the American Legion, had a sit down with me prior to the hearing so we could get the case facts clear. The actual hearing was conducted in a room with a large screen closed monitor TV. The hearing officer was in DC but due to the size of the screen it looked like he was in the room.

We exchanged pleasantries and he started asking questions. It was very informal and he made the atmosphere very relaxed. At the conclusion of his questions he said I could add anything I wished. He said to take my time as there was no hurry.

Compared to C&P exams I have endured I thought this was professional and not a waste of time. I would encourage anyone to request a hearing.

I received the hearing results last week. I was granted an additional 20%. Well worth the drive to New Orleans.

Hope this helps someone.

Posted : 2005-12-11 13:59