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Well, crap! I still say, anytime a meeting is held concerning tinnitus, the room should be flooded with the noise we hear all the time. Maybe that would have some results as the decision makers try to decide something with the noise going on.

Posted : 2007-03-06 13:28
Posts: 189
Reputable Member

Melatonin and Tinnitus

Researchers have had some success in clinical trials using melatonin to treat tinnitus with some noticeable benefits; http://www.nelh.nhs.uk/hth/melatonin_tinnitus.asp Melatonin is available over the counter.

An experimental treatment using botox injections near ear shows promise, too.

A google search on the title of this post will pull up much info. Here is one site I found interesting; e-me.com/cond/C177689.html"] http://www.diagnose-me.com/cond/C177689.html

And another; http://tinnitusformula.com/infocenter/articles/treatments/trypto.aspx

My son has tinnitus. A combination of chemical assaults by landlords, misdiagnoses by a few doctors, loss of health insurance, and poverty combined to a period where he had repeated ear infections. I have to take deep breaths when I think of all of this. How can so many people, professional and lay, be so incompetent and cause so much destruction in other people's lives without being held accountable?

I used to wonder how people ended up alone and homeless. Now it doesn't bewilder me at all. Not a far step down and most people don't realize it, or maybe they do and that is why they are too scared to speak up about the wrongs they see.

Posted : 2007-03-09 09:10
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