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4 Posts
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Just signed on recently and I,ve been reading the coments regarding tinitus and hearing lost. I was a CH-46 crewchief for about 6 yrs. So my hearing lose is undenyable. I was rated 0% on hearing loss in 99/ Had ringing in ears for long time but did not know it was tinitus and ratable until 2003. Got 10% like everyone else. I was told then what we,ve all learnd since that 10% was all I'd get. I see that 's still the case. My tinitus keeps me awake and I have hard time getting sleep. This lack of sleep has lead to depression and I was able to get the VA to link the depression to the tinitus. Got another 10% and I'm curently requesting an increase to 30%. Just went to evauluation last week. I thought I would share this with all. Maybe others in same condition!:

Posted : 2007-04-17 12:40
Posts: 0
New Member

VA math

I hear you on the Tinnitus thing----- unfortunatly. I still think any meeting on the subject should have a device to duplicate the sound we hear all the time so all could hear. Also, be aware of the VA math thing, which is 10 + 10 + 10 does not always add up to 30. Usually 10 + 10 + 10 adds up to 24 and since it must be divisable by 10 they only give you 20%.

S/F Larry

Posted : 2007-04-18 11:01
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I have come across just one person who got tinitus. He got it because of sitting infront of computer for long hours wearing headphones.

Depression is a common mental disease. Its very common and may happen to anyone. It is caused mainly due to imbalance/difficiency of certain harmones in the brain. It is 100% curable but it is often diagnosed very late.

Life alert

Posted : 2010-10-18 11:01
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Jaxter, I know many-many Marines and others that have Tinitus and depression as a result of Flying as Crew in various Helicopters the Marine Corps has. This goes back before Vietnam and during, and after. The depression is a direct symptom of PTS that many Crew has because of the type of Combat Missions we had during our tours. Now someone (civillians), stump their toes, and and fall down, they are diagnosed with PTS. There are meds for them, but don't believe the va has the treatment for Tinitis yet. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-10-18 11:22