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TFTPTF; Camp Lejeun...
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TFTPTF; Camp Lejeune, ATSDR's CAP

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 189
Reputable Member
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I hope this email finds everyone doing well.

I wanted to remind you of the July CAP (Community Assistance Panel) Meeting. Registration needs to be completed by July 1, 2008, which is tomorrow. Here is the info that we have on the CAP Meeting:


July 16, 2008 Camp Lejeune CAP Meeting

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Division of Health Studies (DHS) has created a community assistance panel (CAP) for the Camp Lejeune site. The purpose of the CAP is to voice the concerns of the affected community of marines and their families and to provide input for future health studies. Members of the CAP will provide individual input as well as represent the views of the community and groups to which they belong. ATSDR will seriously consider all CAP membersÂ’ points of view. No votes will be taken during CAP meetings. The CAP consists of seven community members. Also participating in CAP meetings are one representative from the Department of Defense (DoD), one independent scientific expert, and ATSDR staff.

The next meeting will be held July 16, 2008 from 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. in Atlanta at the offices of NCEH/ATSDR, 4770 Buford Highway, Atlanta, GA. The meeting will be open to the public, but pre-registration is required to gain entrance into the building. All audience members must arrive at the visitor center by 8:00 A.M. so they can be escorted to the meeting room. To register, call the ATSDR Camp Lejeune hotline at 770-488-3510 or submit your registration online by July 1, 2008. Please note that a U.S. driver's license or passport is necessary to obtain entrance into the building.


The CAP Panel includes:

Frank Bove, ATSDR

Sandy Bridges, Community Member

Jeff Byron, Community Member

Richard Clapp, SCD, MPH, Professor

Jerry Ensminger, Community Member

Michael Gros, Community Member

Denita McCall, Community Member

Mike Partain, Community Member

Perri Ruckart, Community Member

Mary Ann Simmons, Navy & USMC Public Health Center

Tom Sinks, NCEH

Christopher Stallard, CDC, Facillitator

Tom Townsend, Community Member

Also, if you have not already done so, I invite you to sign up on the Discussion Board so that you can get our upcoming Newsletters as well as sign up on the Illness Registry. Please note that these are 2 separate registrations. Also, if you would like your story to be included on our Stories page, please email me with what you would like posted. If you have not visited the Stories page recently, you will find it easier to read as I have changed the formatting. We are continuing to work on our map project as well if you would like to participate.

As always, please feel free to contact us with questions, concerns, comments or suggestions.

Take care,

Andrea Byron
Website Administrator
The Few, The Proud, The Forgotten

Posted : 2008-06-30 13:24