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Retired Pay Restora...
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Retired Pay Restoration Act of 2007

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Below is information from military.com.

Retired Pay Restoration Act of 2007
Week of August 20, 2007

The Retired Pay Restoration Act of 2007 would allow the receipt of both military retired pay and veterans' disability compensation with respect to any service-connected disability (currently, only a disability rated at 50 percent or more). The proposed legislation (S. 439 and H.R. 303) would make individuals who were retired or separated from military service due to a service-connected disability eligible for the full concurrent receipt of both veterans' disability compensation and either military retired pay or combat-related special pay.

Contact your congressional delegation and solicit their support to right this wrong.

Many have earned retirement and been awarded VA disabliity only to have their retirement reduced by the amount of their disability (less than 50% service-connected disability).

Even though receiving a separate check from VA for the difference, in the long run they are losing that amount each month from retirement.

Posted : 2007-08-22 10:04