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Records ??

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I have no clue who does or doesn’t do records but they are worthless - my VENT
Shot down 24Apl69, 46 rolled over and over and over down the hill. Co-pilot ripped out, seat and all, me, my gunners and recon team we just picked up bounced off the overhead, deck and bulkheads. We survived, except one.

My back has never been the same and I never rec’d more than pain pills and ointment. RAD 30Jan70. Ended up going to V.A. Medical Center in Pittsburgh, Pa. that spring looking for medical treatment - got pain pills and ointment. I never recall anyone explaining the difference between Med and C&P, I just wanted help with my back. My trips to the V.A. ended one day when a young Dr. Theis (I made a note from Rx bottle” said the x-rays show nothing, there are NO RECORDS from the Marines so there’s nothing they can do. I was in pain and pushed back, he responded - “Well I guess we can operate and see what it looks like in there”. — I never went back.

Fast forward to 1980 after I survived on Dr. and Dentist pill shopping for the several episodes a year that would knock me down for up to a week at a time, but in your 20’s after Combat you can push through anything, right? Anyway, I ended up in hospital after years of burning in my butt, then down to the knee then down throughout my foot. They removed two disc, the leg went numb for 3 months as the nerve didn’t know what to do.
I went to the VA and filled out the forms they gave me, don’t recall anyone ever saying there were VSO’s or County Agents so I did it myself.
Result - deny - NO RECORDS from Marines.

Life moved on - until my head exploded in the 46 cutout on Hill 881 at the NMMC in 2009 and I learned of The Old Tigers of HMM-262 and Popasmoke.
At the PAS Reunion of 2012 in Orlando I met some VA people and filled out enrollment forms.
Back in Pittsburgh I got a representative and started a claim for my back - again.
Well, guess what? They had records now of me going to sickbay in New River for back pain and spasms - BUT the VA Medical Center has NO RECORDS for the early 70’s !!!!
You can’t make this $%!# up.
I am more than disgusted - I am enraged.

Posted : 2018-11-29 08:32
Posts: 3133
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I had an incident at Parris Island where i was sent to Hospital platoon with foot/ankle issue. When I filed a claim later, "no records found" of the accident/incident!! Sad.

Posted : 2018-11-30 10:46
Mike Amtower
Posts: 285
Reputable Member

F I N A L L Y ! ! ! After literally years..... 10 years ago, the VA gave me a set of hearing aids and 10% on hearing loss. Then a couple of years ago they "threw me out" because "I make too much money" (their EXACT words were "You make too much money.") ...... That was after they 'discovered' that I paid off my mortgage. (The VA and the IRS are bed partners.)

My local VA rep got me re-instated after that and then the VA DENIED my 10% for hearing loss as NOT Service Connected. ????? Go figure. Machine gunner on a CH53 with all sound suppression removed to carry more weight ..... and it is in my Service Records.

My service record also states that I got a "whisper test" (?????) prior to discharge. But ..... there was also an audiogram in it showing high frequency hearing loss. The protest has been submitted by my VA rep.

OK, now I have ischemic heart disease and they finally have me at 30% and I have received two checks so far. This is related to agent orange exposure (on the ground at Khe Sanh numerous times during the siege) may also have the onset of Parkinson's due to the AO. My cardiologist has diagnosed me with coronary artery disease (CAD). I'm NOT using VA doctors.

I'm not looking for a hand out ....... but just what's due.

If I can get my 10% for hearing loss restored, I'll be at 40%. Then maybe more if there is Parkinson's in the mix.

Posted : 2019-02-12 16:33
Posts: 4632
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Good LUCK Mike. It does seem to come down to luck

Posted : 2019-02-12 17:51
Posts: 3133
Active Members

Hey Mike! Hope you and yours are well! Ever get that Phrog at your museum?
Glad to hear you are getting somewhere with the VA. Took me a while too and they still haven't added a hearing loss despite my tinitis!

Posted : 2019-02-16 09:22